Doug Moo‘s The Letters to the Colossians and to Philemon is hot off the press, and I enjoyed spending some time surveying it this morning. It’s another outstanding addition to the Pillar NT Commentary series. (See my review of the PNTC series, which also notes the authors slated for the forthcoming volumes.)
From D. A. Carson’s “Editor’s Preface”
For many years Doug Moo and I served on the same faculty. His move from Trinity to Wheaton, however much a gain for the latter, was a personal loss. Mercifully, we have continued to collaborate on various projects, and he is surely among the two or three scholars with whom I am most happy to work in close association. Readers of this series will already be familiar with his Pillar commentary on James—and that after writing, for another series, what is still the best English-language commentary on Romans.