Owen Strachan recently posted forthcoming events sponsored by the Henry Center. All of these should be recorded and uploaded to the Henry Center’s media page. I’m particularly looking forward to these three events in October:
October 1
Scripture & Ministry Lecture: Phil Ryken (3 PM in Trinity’s chapel)
“The Suffering and the Glory: Pastoral Ministry in Union with Christ”
What is the meaning and purpose of suffering in the work of pastoral ministry? What hope do we have that preaching the gospel will make a lasting difference for Christ? The rich biblical doctrine of union with Christ provides a complete theological and practical context for understanding both tragedy and triumph in the ordinary work of the pastor. Philip Ryken has experienced both the cross and the empty tomb in his ministry at Philadelphia’s historic Tenth Presbyterian Church, where he has preached for thirteen years. The author of thirty Bible commentaries and other books on Christianity, culture, and the church, Dr. Ryken has a passion for the local church and for connecting people in ministry to the life-giving work of the crucified and risen Christ.
October 9
Trinity Debate: Bruce Ware and Wayne Grudem versus Tom McCall and Keith Yandell (7 PM in Trinity’s chapel)
“Do relations of authority and submission exist eternally among the Persons of the Godhead?”
This debate follows current argumentation in the academic sphere between the two sides. Though a theological exchange between expert scholars, this event will prove beneficial for Christians of all backgrounds. The doctrine of the Trinity is at the heart of the Christian faith and takes into account questions of scriptural interpretation, theological synthesis, and philosophical reasoning. Determining the identities and roles of the persons of the Godhead is thus of great importance not only to the academician, but to the pastor, the layperson, the student and all who would seek to probe and comprehend the beautiful complexity of orthodox Christianity.
The Center anticipates that the debate will be lively, informative, charitable, enjoyable, and, we trust, helpful to a wide variety of Christians and even non-Christians who wish to better understand one of the central realities of the faith. All should consider themselves invited and welcome to this free evening of debate and dialogue over theological issues that matter.
October 29
Scripture & Ministry Lecture: David Wells (3 PM in Trinity’s chapel)
“How, then, Should We Preach to the (Postmodern) World?”
Western technology, coupled with its unparalleled abundance, have created alife with more information, more choices, better medical care, and longer life. At the same time, it is a world in which we have fewer connections to place, family, and friends, as well as more emptiness and anxiety. More of our children are more demoralized than ever before. That is the American paradox. Never have we had so much and never have we had so little. This is the world into which we are called to live out Christian faith and to speak Christian truth. How are we going to do this? This lecture will explore this question from the point of view of the preacher.