- Keswick Theology: A Survey and Analysis of the Doctrine of Sanctification in the Early Keswick Movement: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | handout and PowerPoint | related video | 3/19/2008
- Pray For Those in Authority (1 Tim 2:1-8) | outline | 6/22/2008
- Does God Have Two Wills? Does He Want All People to Be Saved in One Sense and Not Want All People to Be Saved in Another Sense? (1 Tim 2:4) | outline | 6/29/2008
- Gently and Respectfully Confronting Older and Younger Men and Women (1 Tim 5:1–2) | 8/24/2008
- Widows: Responsibilities of the Church, Family, and Widows Themselves (1 Tim 5:3–16) | outline | 8/31/2008
- Grace Be with You (1 Tim 6:21b) | 10/12/2008
- Praying Regularly for Other Christians (Col 1:9–14) | outline | 11/02/2008
- Do We Have a Free Will? | outline | 6/10/2009
- The Most Important Paragraph in the Bible (Rom 3:21–26): part 1 | part 2 | outline | 6/13/2009
- Are Millennial Views Essential? | interview with Kevin Boling | 7/14/2009
- Three Miracles Showing Jesus’ Authority (Matt 8:23–9:8) | outline | 8/10/2009
- The Logical and Emotional Problems of Evil: logical | emotional | outline | 4/9/2010
- Interview on Keswick Theology with Aaron Blumer: part 1 | part 2 | 6/21/2010
- Interview on Keswick Theology with Kevin Boling | 7/22/2010
- Interview on Keswick Theology with John Starke | 8/2/2010
- Called to Work: part 1 | part 2 | outline | 10/20/2010 | 10/27/2010 (condensed in one sermon | 1/27/2013)
- What Is the Gospel? | outline | related video | 4/8/2011
- Six Videos: 1. What is the gospel? How can God save me? | 2. Are Mormons Christian? | 3. What is sanctification? | 4. Does God love all people the same way? | 5. Is the Bible’s language about hell literal or metaphorical? | 6. Does God create people just to send them to hell? | 4/14/2011
- Interview on Four Views on the Spectrum of Evangelicalism with Kevin Boling | 9/22/2011
- God Doesn’t Have Creditors (Job 41:10–11) | outline | 11/27/2011
- How to Run the Race with Endurance (Hebrews 12:3–17) | 3/3/2013
- The Mystery (Ephesians 3:1–6) | MP3 | video | outline | 4/8/2013
- How to Disagree with Other Christians about Disputable Matters (Romans 14:1–15:7) | MP3 | outline | 5/26/2013
- The Conscience: What It Means and Five Reasons It Matters | video | MP3 | Bethlehem College and Seminary Chapel | 10/24/2013
- The New Testament in 10 Minutes | video | Desiring God Conference for Pastors | 2/4/2014
- Education Exists Because Worship Doesn’t | 4-minute video | Bethlehem College and Seminary | 5/15/2014
- What, How, and Why We Teach | 10-minute video | Bethlehem College and Seminary | 5/16/2014
- Calibrating Your Conscience | MP3 | video | Bethlehem Baptist Church | 6/29/2014
- The Message of 1 Corinthians | Redeeming Grace Church | 10/5/2014
- Interview with Mike Abendroth re evangelicalism, sanctification, the extent of the atonement, and biblical theology | No Compromise Radio | 3/11/2015
- How Harry Potter Illustrates Biblical Theology | 7/22/2015
- Interview with Logos Bible Software re preaching, teaching, and studying biblical theology | Mobile Ed Conversations | MP3 | 8/7/2015
- Reciting 1 Corinthians | MP3 | Bethlehem Baptist Church | 8/16/2015
- Your Body Is a Temple (1 Cor 6:19–20) | MP3 | Bethlehem College and Seminary | 9/18/2015
- Seven Reasons You Should Not Indulge in Pornography | Pure Pleasure Men’s Gathering 2016 | Bethlehem Baptist Church | 4/16/2016
- Book Launch for Conscience | MP3 | Bethlehem Baptist Church | 4/17/2016
- How Should You Relate to Fellow Christians When Your Consciences Disagree about Disputable Matters? (Romans 14:1–15:7) | video | audio | Bethlehem Baptist Church | 5/21–22/2016
- Panel—Theology Refresh: Biblical Theology of Mission | video | audio | Bethlehem Conference for Pastors | 1/31/2017
- Do Not Love the World: Breaking the Evil Enchantment of Worldliness | MP3 | Bethlehem College and Seminary Chapel | 3/1/2017
- Andy and Jason Drive It Home | MP3 | Book Promo | April 2017
- Reciting Romans | MP3 | Bethlehem Baptist Church | 5/28/2017
- Q&A with John Piper and Jason DeRouchie (MP3) + How to Do Exegesis and Theology: My Theological Method (MP3) + Q&A with Jason DeRouchie by Chris Bruno (MP3) | videos | Bethlehem College and Seminary | 9/22–23/2017
- Ten Threats to the Gospel in Our Culture | MP3 | Tri-County Bible Church in Madison, OH | 10/1/2017
- Justification according to Romans | MP3 | Bethlehem College and Seminary Chapel | 11/9/2017
- What Shepherds Do | MP3 | Meadow Creek Church in Andover, MN | 8/26/2018
- The Greatest of These Is Love (1 Cor 13:13) | MP3 | Bethlehem College and Seminary Chapel | 11/7/2018
- The Devouring Dragon (Rev 12 and 20) | MP3 | Bethlehem Baptist Church | 6/9/2019
- Why to Reject Man-Made Religion (Col 2:16–23) | MP3 | Bethlehem College and Seminary Chapel | 9/25/2019
- Evidence That Some Come to Christ as the Living Stone and That Others Reject Him (1 Peter 2:6–8) | MP3 | Bethlehem Baptist Church | 7/5/2020
- Arm Yourselves with Christ’s Mindset about Suffering (1 Peter 4:1–6) | MP3 | Bethlehem Baptist Church | 9/6/2020
- Politics: Part 1 (MP3) | Politics: Part 2 (MP3) | Ethnic Harmony: Part 1 (MP3) | Ethnic Harmony: Part 2 (MP3) | Bible Conference for Eden Baptist Church | 9/20–21/2020
- Complementarianism: Part 1 (MP3), Part 2 (MP3), Part 3 (MP3), Part 4—Q&A (MP3) | Pastors’ Conference for Eden Baptist Church | 9/22/2020
- Christ Died for Our Sins: “He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and buried” (1 Corinthians 15:3–4 and the Apostles’ Creed) | MP3 | Bethlehem College and Seminary Chapel | 9/30/2020
- How to Joyfully Trust God When Your Life Seems Unfair (Habakkuk 3) | MP3 | Bethlehem Baptist Church | 11/22/2020
- What Is the Bible, and How Should We Treat It? | MP3 | Bethlehem Baptist Church | 1/10/2021
- The Beginning of the Holy Spirit’s New Covenant Ministry (Acts 2:1–13) | MP3 | Bethlehem Baptist Church | 2/14/2021
- I Believe in the Resurrection of the Body and the Life Everlasting | MP3 | Bethlehem College and Seminary Chapel | 2/17/2021
- The Church Expands (Acts 8:1–25) | MP3 | Bethlehem Baptist Church | 4/25/2021
- How to Read the Bible: A Lab on Romans 11:33–36 | MP3 | Bethlehem College and Seminary “Look at the Sacred Book” Conference | 9/25/2021
- The Supremacy of God in All Things (Romans 11:36) | MP3 | Bethlehem Baptist Church | 10/10/2021
- Submit to the Lord and to His Enthroned Son (Psalm 2) | MP3 | Bethlehem Baptist Church | 1/9/2022
- Seven Truths about Jesus and Our Sinful Anger (Matt 5:21–26) | MP3 | Redeeming Grace Church | 1/23/2022
- Conscience: What It Is, How to Train It, and Loving Those Who Differ | MP3 | Leadership Training Class for North Hills Church in Taylors, SC | 3/4/2022
- How Should God’s People as a Group Confess Sin? (Daniel 9:1–19) | MP3 | Bethlehem Baptist Church | 5/1/2022. (Part 2: “Should we corporately repent for sins that people committed in past generations? Test case: Should white people today repent for the ethnic partiality that white people committed in past generations?”)
- Predestination: Part 1 | MP3 | Bethlehem Baptist Church | 6/12/2022
- Predestination: Part 2 | MP3 | Bethlehem Baptist Church | 6/19/2022
- Predestination: Part 3 | MP3 | Bethlehem Baptist Church | 6/26/2022
- Predestination: Part 4 | MP3 | Bethlehem Baptist Church | 7/3/2022
- The Conscience, Preaching, and the Christian Life: A Conversation with Andy Naselli | an 18-minute interview by Austin Duncan for The Master’s Seminary | 7/13/2022
- Justice: Divine, Imputed, Imparted, Public, and Ultimate | MP3 | Bethlehem College and Seminary Chapel | 8/31/2022
- Short videos for Crossway on Romans | 11/16/2022 | The Message of the Book of Romans in One Sentence (2:39 min.) | Why Did the Apostle Paul Write the Book of Romans (1:47 min.) | I’ve Heard It Said, “Once Saved, Always Saved” (2:54 min. | transcript)
- Short videos for Crossway on Predestination | 11/16/2022 | How Important Is It for Me to Affirm the Doctrine of Predestination? (3:53 min. | transcript) | 2 Primary Goals of God’s Election of Sinners to Salvation (3:33 min. | transcript) | What Does Free Will Mean? (4:10 min. | transcript) | How Do the Arminian and Calvinist Views of Election Differ? (2:42 min. | transcript) | A Helpful Way to Understand Free Will (5:19 min.) | Getting Our Terms Right in the Predestination Discussion (3:12 min.)
- The Temple and Light in the Bible’s Storyline | MP3 | Bethlehem Baptist Church | 11/27/2022
- Press on toward the Goal (Philippians 3:12–16) | MP3 | Bethlehem Baptist Church | 1/15/2023
- The Pastor and His Family: Managing Your Household Well—How a Faithful Father Shepherds His Wife and Children + Panel Discussion | MP3 + Panel MP3 | Breakout Session for Serious Joy: The 35th Bethlehem Conference for Pastors in St. Paul, MN | 1/30/2023
- Getting to Know Andy Naselli | MP3 | Podcast interview by Seth Leeman | 3/12/2023
- Abortion Ethics | MP3 | Podcast interview by Seth Leeman | 3/12/2023
- Three Rewards of Wisdom (Proverbs 3:1–8) | MP3 | The North Church | 4/2/2023
- Listen to Wisdom! (Proverbs 8:1–36) | MP3 | The North Church | 5/28/2023
- Jesus the Messiah Is the Supreme King and Priest (Psalm 110) | MP3 | The Heights Church | 6/25/2023
- Do We Have a Free Will? | MP3 | Godward Life Conference for Bethlehem College and Seminary | 9/29/2023
- The Catastrophe (Genesis 3) | MP3 | The North Church | 10/15/2023
- a 66-minute podcast episode (MP3) with David Schrock and Steve Wellum in which I discuss an article I wrote: “What Is the Spectrum of Major Views on Political Theology? A Proposed Taxonomy of Seven Views on Religion and Government” | recorded 11/10/2023
- Progressive Covenantalism and the Sabbath, a 40-minute interview by Caleb Lenard for his podcast Theology for the Church | MP3 | recorded on 11/3/2023 (released 4/22/2024)
- a 68-minute podcast episode (MP3) with David Schrock and Steve Wellum in which I discuss an article I wrote: “Twelve Reflections on Twelve Interviews on Christian Nationalism” | recorded 11/30/2023
- Jesus, the Mighty God | MP3 | The North Church | 12/10/2023
- “Tom Schreiner, Derek Thomas, Steve Lawson, & Andy Naselli | TMS Chapel | Q&A” (59:54 min.) | The Master’s Seminary chapel | 1/9/2024
- Brothers, Work Hard for God’s Approval (2 Timothy 2:15) | MP3 | The Master’s Seminary chapel | 1/16/2024
- Biblical Theology for Preaching | Panel Discussion | MP3 | Breakout Session for Serious Joy: The 36th Bethlehem Conference for Pastors in St. Paul, MN | 1/29/2024
- Tempted to Get a Good Thing the Wrong Way: Sarai, Hagar, and Abram (Genesis 16) | MP3 | The North Church | 2/4/2024
- Andy Naselli & Brooks Buser Discuss Missions Today | MP3 | Radius International | 3/20/2024
- Harmony of the Gospels: How to Approach Apparent Contradictions | MP3 | Meadow Creek Church in Andover, MN | 4/14/2024
- The Steadfastness of Job | MP3 | Godward Life Conference for Bethlehem College and Seminary in Minneapolis, MN | 9/27/2024
- Jesus Fulfills What the Prophets Said about Israel’s Exodus, Exile, and Despised Messiah (Matthew 2:13–23) | MP3 | The North Church | 9/29/2024
- Jesus Does Not Deviate from His Mission When Satan Tempts Him (Matthew 4:1–11) | MP3 | The North Church | 10/20/2024