Last week my BCS colleague Jason DeRouchie and I gave “small talks” at Desiring God’s Conference for Pastors. Our assignments were to present the Old Testament and New Testament in 10 minutes:
You can read the manuscript for Jason’s small talk here. (He fills this out in much more detail in his survey of Jesus’ Bible—see especially ch. 1 in this free 37-page PDF.)
Give Jason a little slack on the time-limit since his task was much harder than mine: the OT is 3/4 of the Bible! I almost decided to open my small talk with something like this:
This is a Bible [hold one up], and this much of it is the NT [grip and display those pages]. The NT may look like a little book, but it’s probably longer than you think because most publishers use really small fonts, tight line-spacing, and thin paper. The NT takes about 18 to 20 hours to read aloud or listen to. It’s about the size of a 650-page paperback. [That’s about the same length as book 6 in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series.] And the OT is about three times as long as the NT.
Update on 3/30/2017: The most updated version of my one-sentence summaries is “What Is the Theological Message of Each Book in the New Testament?”—pages 191–93 in this book.
You summarize Hebrews magnificently.