That’s the title of my first solo book.
The publisher is Lexham Press, which is a division of Faithlife. (Logos Bible Software is also a division of Faithlife.)
You can read the book’s front matter in this 31-page PDF, which includes twenty-one endorsements, the table of contents, Tom Schreiner’s foreword, and my preface.
From the preface:
This book’s thesis is simple: Keswick theology is not biblically sound. It demonstrates this by answering three basic questions:
- Where did Keswick theology come from (chap. 2)?
- What exactly is it (chap. 3)?
- And why is this second-blessing theology not a blessing (chap. 4)?
If you’ve encountered some aspect of second-blessing theology, you’ll be fascinated to see how it fits in the story in chapters 2–3. And you’ll be challenged to consider its serious flaws in chapter 4. My goal is not to make you an arrogant know-it-all who pugnaciously goes on a second-blessing witch-hunt. My goal is to edify you by warning and equipping you. I’ll consider this book a success if it helps you understand second-blessing theology better, see why it’s not a blessing at all, and follow a better—more biblical—way in your Christian walk.
- Keswick Theology (March 24, 2008)
- Other posts on Logos Bible Software
- Interview on Keswick Theology (with Kevin DeYoung)
- Endorsements
- Tom Schreiner’s Foreword
- Preface
- Lectures on Keswick Theology
- Interview on Keswick Theology (with Alex Chediak)
- Will your book be available in print?
- Four guest posts on Kevin DeYoung’s blog:
- Three Recent Interviews
- “Why ‘Let Go and Let God’ Is a Bad Idea,” Tabletalk (August 2011): 74–75.
Update on 8/23/2017: My latest book attempts to survey and analyze “let go and let God” theology more accessibly:
Congratulations on your first book. May God bless it’s use for the good of the Body.
This looks excellent. I really appreciated your presentation on Keswick theology a couple years ago at DBTS. Looking forward to both owning the book and enthusiastically recommending it to others.
I also enjoyed your presentation at DBTS (through the wonders of technology). While I enjoy my Logos software, I must confess that I don’t particularly want to read a full-length book on it–which brings me to my question–is your book going to be available in a non-electronic format? And if so, where?
Is there a hardcover of the book available? If so we would like to carry it.
Doug and John, that’s a good question. The plan for now is that the book will be available exclusively in electronic format from Logos Bible Software. Of course, if you own the book electronically, you can print it very easily as well as read it on a variety of platforms (desktop computer, laptop computer, iPad, iPhone, etc.).
I’ve argued elsewhere (e.g., here) that using electronic books (esp. commentaries) in Logos Bible Software is more efficient than using print books for two primary reasons: searchability and versatility. (1) Logos books have multiple searching capabilities that far exceed print books in both speed and thoroughness, and (2) Logos books are superior to print books with reference to accessibility, readability, marking, copying and pasting, saving, and linking.
The breadth of endorsements is quite encouraging and significant. I anticipate the book will be both as well. My story is similar to yours and many others—thanks for making this available. And congrats!
That’s too bad about the Logos only publication – I’m a mac user and recently got rid of Logos and went exclusively with Accordance. This book would have been a great resource for me – guess I’ll keep an eye out for when it’s available for a wider audience…
Ryan, the Logos platform is free, so you’re still able to use the book in that format. And Logos for Mac is very close to release.
It’s not so easy to print out a 400+ page book on one’s own. Hopefully this will come out in regular book format someday. I would like to get a copy when it does.
For those of you desiring a hard-copy of this book I would recommend I have used this site in the past and have been very happy with the quality and service. Perhaps Andy could promote his book through this or a similar site as well.
Congratulations, Andy. I’ve pre-ordered your book through Logos.
Is Andrew Murray (famous for books like “With Christ in the School of Prayer”, “Abide in Christ”, “Absolute Surrender”) also related to Keswick? I remember him talking about his preaching in Keswick in one of his books. His books helped me a lot when I was a newborn Christian. And I still get back to his books with pleasure.
Found the answer to my question about Andrew Murray here.
Waiting for your book to get published by Logos now.
Add me to the list of those who are excited about this. I spent a year and a half at Columbia Biblical Seminary in Columbia SC where Keswick is their theology of sanctification. I was there when Robertson McQuilkin was still the president. I resonate with all of the comments here about Keswick. Jerry Bridges “Pursuit of Holiness” was a good antidote to the whole “let go and let God” phenomena but I am looking forward to this more in-depth exploration of Keswick in particular.
And, not to pile on but I’m with the guys who are looking for a hard copy. I do appreciate and use Logos daily for study. All of the things you said about it’s ability to search are right on. But I see Logos as a research tool. For straight up picking up a book and reading it from beginning to end nothing beats a hardcover book.
Logos has free apps for iPhones, iPods, and iPads that are geared for picking up a book and reading it. Logos is also planning to work on apps for Android and Blackberry devices. And any Internet-connected device can read a Logos book by going to
Andy, is this book exactly the same as your dissertation? Have you done much editing, or have you added any material?
1. No.
2. Yes, I’ve lightly revised the entire manuscript.
Great hands, Andy! I’m looking forward to reading your book.
Looks very interesting!
Still would prefer a hard copy – I hate reading long pieces on-screen.
Yes, is the way to go – I have purchased many books from there.
Congratulations. In Cambodia my family and I listened more than once to your Keswick series done at Hampton Park Baptist Church. What was it about the second half of the 19th century that produced so many strange and sometimes damaging theologies and philosophies?!
Hey, hey! Congrats!! You did it fewer than five years!!!
Enjoy the accomplishment. It’s well-deserved.
I’m sorry, but a REAL book is something made out of PAPER AND INK!! It is NOT something you read on a computer screen!! So even though the topic addressed is important, and I would be interested in purchasing this if it were a REAL BOOK, I won’t be paying anything for this “book.”
Congratulations on your first publication! I’m sure you will do well with all our blessings!
@Tom – that seems unnecessarily harsh, no? I’m really disappointed that I won’t be able to get it either since I’m a Mac guy using the far superior Bible research tool, Accordance. :)
Perhaps with enough logos sales Andy might be able to get this important work published.
Looks like a great book.
I will concur with others: after all the work I do on the computer the thought of reading this on a screen will probably keep me from buying this. A print copy (on demand, etc) I would have purchased already. Your point about doing research with a computer is well put, and I agree. But while research includes reading, it is very different than “reading a book” and it is sad that this has been overlooked.
The community needs this book, glad that you have written it.
I’ll add my vote for a hard-copy edition. The book sounds facinating, but I’d never read 400+ pages on a computer (or print them out). I’d get a headache after about 15 pages. I grew up in a Kewsick context, so here’s hoping it’s actually turned into a real book (i.e., with pages, a cover, etc.)!
Please, please let there be a hard copy. I cannot read for extended periods of time from a screen. Also, it’s easier to give a hard copy of a book away. The person is more inclined to read it if he can take a book home rather than a digital file he has to download.
“Will your book be available in print?” I’ve just answered that question with more details here.
I would like to know if the book will be in print. Thank You
I guess I’m a little late to the party, but I wanted to add a “congratulations” on having your first book published, and a thank you for taking the time to tackle this topic. I recently became interested in studying more about Keswick theology, and actually checked your dissertation out of Mack Library – not knowing there was (much shorter) book available! It was very helpful, and I enjoyed your writing style. I look forward to recommending this… and to whatever else you might publish in the future!
I appreciate that you never developed into full second blessedness, so you would have no “experimental” knowledge of this. However, in my initial reading on Higher Life type literature, particularly of Chafer’s “He That Is Spiritual” (1919) chapter 6, I get the impression that that the end aim of being “filled with the Spirit” is tantamount to soul annihilation, Christian zombieism, Divine BORGism; where you are merely an unthinking screwdriver to automatically do whatever promptings that flow through you. Hinduism’s Moksha also comes to mind, although I am by no means an expert on Hinduism.
Am I barking up the wrong tree?
Some higher-life proponents may give that impression, but the most responsible proponents would recoil at that description.