Hi, I’m Andy Naselli. I am joyfully loyal to King Jesus.
I am Professor of Systematic Theology and New Testament for Bethlehem College and Seminary in Minneapolis, and I am lead pastor of Christ the King Church in the Stillwater area.
I love serving God in a school and church that exist to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples through Jesus Christ. My role in that mission is to research, write, teach, preach, and shepherd.
The content on this website overflows from my vocation—even when I explain why it’s important to understand direct vs. mitigated speech or how I set up one desk for sitting and another for walking or how I got stronger with strength training. I highlight resources I find helpful and that fellow Christians may also find helpful. To make sure you don’t miss new articles, you can subscribe by RSS or email (enter your email address under “Get Email Updates”—it’s at the top right of the sidebar on a computer and it’s at the bottom of the site on a phone). You can also follow me on Twitter.
My excellent wife, Jenni, and I have been married since 2004, and God has blessed us with four daughters. Here’s a picture from October 2023:
I earned two PhDs: one in theology from Bob Jones University (2006) and another in New Testament exegesis and theology from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (2010). It was my privilege to serve as the research manager for New Testament scholar D. A. Carson for about nine years (2006–2014), which was like a young lawyer getting to clerk for a Supreme Court Justice.
My books include …
- a New Testament survey (2010)
- an academic book that surveys and analyzes “let go and let God” theology (2010)
- a more accessible book that surveys and analyzes “let go and let God” theology (2017)
- a debate-book on the spectrum of evangelicalism (2011)
- a technical tome on how Paul uses Isaiah and Job at the end of Romans 11 (2012)
- a debate-book on the extent of the atonement (2015)
- a study Bible (2015)
- a book on the conscience for adults (2016)
- a book on the conscience for children (2018)
- an introduction to how to interpret and apply the New Testament (2017)
- a debate-book on Romans 9–11 (2019)
- a little book on how to love fellow church members with different politics (2020)
- a concise commentary on 1 Corinthians (2020)
- a phrase diagram of 1 Corinthians (2023)
- an introduction to biblical theology (2020)
- a biblical theology of snake and dragons (2020)
- a biblical theology of snakes and dragons for kids (2022)
- a concise commentary on Romans (2022)
- a phrase diagram of Romans (2022)
- a dictionary of essays on how the New Testament uses the Old Testament (2023)
- a systematic theology of predestination—that is, what the whole Bible says about election and reprobation (2024)
- a book on how to read a book—advice for Christian readers (2024)
- a concise guide to God’s will and making decisions (2025)
- a phrase diagram of 1 Timothy (2026)
- a primer on exegetical fallacies—coauthored with D. A. Carson (2026)
I am a member of the Evangelical Theological Society, Society of Biblical Literature, and Institute for Biblical Research. As I explain in the article “Three Reflections on Evangelical Academic Publishing,” I aim to be academically responsible more than academically respectable. The ultimate reason I research, write, teach, preach, and shepherd is to glorify God by serving Christ’s church.
I teach courses primarily at the graduate-level on systematic theology, New Testament, biblical theology, and ethics. I love to study and teach how the five theological disciplines—exegesis, biblical theology, historical theology, systematic theology, and practical theology—interrelate and culminate in doxology. And I love my school’s mission and strategy. Here’s a video about that from 2014:
I also serve as …
- Book Review Editor for Books at a Glance
- Adjunct Professor of New Testament, Systematic Theology, and Ethics at Faith Bible Seminary in Lafayette, IN (MDiv program, 2011–present)
- Adjunct Professor of Theology at The Master’s Seminary in Los Angeles, CA (DMin program, 2022–present)
(Thanks to Phil Gons for helping me maintain this website. Also, I participate in affiliate programs with Amazon, Westminster Bookstore, and Logos Bible Software.)
What I post on this site is my opinion. Neither The North Church nor Bethlehem College and Seminary read or approve what I post before posting, and it does not necessarily represent their official views.