This book comes out this month:
Andrew David Naselli and Collin Hansen, eds. Four Views on the Spectrum of Evangelicalism. Counterpoints. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2011.
- Kevin T. Bauder: fundamentalism
- R. Albert Mohler Jr.: confessional evangelicalism
- John G. Stackhouse Jr.: generic evangelicalism
- Roger E. Olson: postconservative evangelicalism
More about the book:
- Sample PDF: introduction and part of Bauder’s essay
- Mohler, “What Makes Evangelicalism Evangelical? A New Book Joins the Argument”
- Mohler, “Bound and Centered: Mohler Talks Evangelical Identity,” interview by Aaron Hanbury for Towers (p. 9)
- Olson, “Announcement of a New Book on Evangelicalism” (cf. Dave Doran, “Strange Bedfellows . . .”)
- Olson, “Why ‘Evangelical’ Is a Label I Won’t Surrender”
- Stackhouse, “And Now for a Little Controversy . . .”
- Naselli and Hansen, “Who Are the Evangelicals?” interview by Jonathan Leeman for 9Marks (cf. Ben Wright, “Anybody Surprised? Just Curious . . .”)
- Bauder: “The Book Is Out.” Bauder explains how we prepared this book, and then he reflects on it.
Updates: And more about the book:
- Carl Trueman, “The Unfortunate Consequences of the Game of the Name”
- Carl Trueman, “Confessional Evangelicalism: A Change of Mind (Probably)”
- Olson, “A Final Comment on Four Views on the Spectrum of Evangelicalism”
- Naselli, interview (MP3) with Kevin Boling on the “Knowing the Truth” radio program
- Mohler, “A New Third Way? Reformist Evangelicals and the Evangelical Future”
- Stackhouse, “A Few Notes on the ‘Spectrum’ Book”
- Scot McKnight, “Evangelicalism: What Is It?”
- Bauder and Mohler, interview with Kevin Mungons, Baptist Bulletin
- Kevin Mungons, “Evangelical Spectrum: Four Views or Two Views?,” Sharper Iron
- Mohler, Bauder, and Trueman, “Perspectives on the Spectrum of Evangelicalism,” session at the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society in San Francisco on November 17, 2011
- Mark Snoeberger, “Confessionalism and the Spectrum of Evangelicalism”
- Jeff Straub, “Reflections on ‘The Book’—Four Views on The Spectrum of Evangelicalism”
- Trevin Wax, review: parts 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
- Matthew Barrett, review, TGC Reviews
- Four reviews in Books & Culture: Jake Meador, “Postconservative Evangelicalism”; Christopher Benson, “Generic Evangelicalism”; Dave Strunk, “Confessional Evangelicalism”; Albert Lee, “Fundamentalism”
- Brenton Dickieson, “Four Views on the Spectrum of Evangelicalism: A Confessional Review”
- Scott Wenig, review, Denver Journal
- Mark Sidwell, review, BJU Campus Store Blog
- Timothy George interviews Collin Hansen on “The Spectrum of Evangelicalism,” July 24, 2012
- David W. Bebbington, “About the Definition of Evangelicalism . . . .” Institute for the Study of American Evangelicals 83 (2012): 1–6.
Really looking forward to this, Andy! I saw Bauder’s plug for it the other day.