Within a week of announcing that Logos Bible Software is publishing my book Let Go and Let God? A Survey and Analysis of Keswick Theology, I received over one hundred emails and comments asking the same question: “Will your book be available in print?”
Short Answer
No, at least for now. ***Don’t miss the update at the bottom of this article.***
Longer Answer
No. The plan for now is that the book will be available exclusively in electronic format from Logos Bible Software.
The factors involved in this decision are complicated, but here are some reasons that I chose Logos Bible Software to publish my first solo book:
- I love Logos Bible Software. I’d rather have a book in Logos format than in print any day.
- Using electronic books (esp. reference works and commentaries) in Logos Bible Software is more efficient than using print books for two primary reasons: searchability and versatility. (1) Logos books have multiple searching capabilities that far exceed print books in both speed and thoroughness, and (2) Logos books are superior to print books with reference to accessibility, readability, marking, copying and pasting, saving, and linking. E.g., see my reviews of Scholar’s Library: Gold; PNTC, BECNT, and NIGTC: Three New Testament Commentary Series; Anchor Yale Bible commentary series (84 vols.); and The New International Commentary on the Old and New Testaments (40 vols.).
- The Logos 4 core engine is free, so anyone with a computer can access it.
- The Logos 4 core engine is available for both Mac and PC, and Logos for Mac is very close to release.
- If you absolutely must read the book in print, then you can print it. (Better printing support is coming soon.)
- You can read the book on a variety of platforms: desktop computer, laptop computer, iPad, iPhone, etc. Any Internet-connected device can read a Logos book by going to Library.Logos.com.
- Logos is planning to make the following feature available for the mobile app: If you read and mark up the book on one platform, your bookmarks and markings will sync across all the platforms. For example, if you mark up the book on your iPad, then when you open up the book on your laptop, it will open directly to the place in the book where you left off, and any highlighting and notes you made will be visible.
- Logos has free apps for iPhones, iPods, and iPads that are geared for picking up a book and reading it. Logos is also planning to work on apps for Android and Blackberry devices.
- I prefer reading on a large screen over a small book. I currently use two screens (I explain that here), and in a few weeks I plan to upgrade to three screens, including two 28-inch monitors. I can change the font, the font size, and much more in the Logos 4 core engine.
- The book is more readily available internationally.
- The book is more affordable. Most published dissertations cost far more than most consumers are willing to pay (e.g., commonly between $100 and $200).
- I think that this is the wave of the future. I don’t think that print books will ever be obsolete, but digital books are growing in popularity in this electronic age. And Logos is the future for digital theological libraries.
- I hate moving print books. I’m preparing to move to another state next week, and I just packed up my print books. I’ve given away nearly every print book that I already owned but acquired in Logos, so I’ve reduced my print library to about 1100 print books. But that’s still a lot of print books to move! Here’s the pile:
I realize that some people will never read a book unless it’s on a printed page. That’s fine, and I respect that. But this isn’t an insurmountable problem: see #5 above. And someday I’d like to write a much shorter book on the same topic for a broader audience—available both in print and Logos.
Related: “A New Kind of Biblical Scholar” by Phil Gons (on the Logos Blog)
Update on 8/23/2017: My latest book attempts to survey and analyze “let go and let God” theology more accessibly. And it’s available in print.
very good explanation, Andy.
Thanks for your time you put into this.
I appreciate the answer but won’t be going electronic. I prefer to do my work with my books in hand. I’ll wait until your book eventually comes into print.
Hey, Andy,
First of all, I have listened through your lecture series on Keswick theology six times now and have had my eyes open to a lot of that kind of theology being thrown around for a long time now. I now understand better why they do these things and why they stick to certain methods of evangelism and church growth, and I hear a lot of the crisis-process and second filling you have talk about. I have spent hours trying to show certain people that the Bible teaches differently, and to come across this series and now book at Logos was just the lift I needed. But like you I am not ready to call it heresy but very erroneous.
I also use two monitors when studying and on logos. You said you were about to start uses 3 monitors. Please share how you can achieve that.
I thank you for your desire to share the word of God and the knowledge you have.
In Christ,
Two 28″ widescreens (in addition to your laptop I presume)!? You’re going to have your own mission control center!
Where can I find your lecture series on keswick theology? Is it on this site somewhere? Would someone kindly point me in the right direction? I’m referring to the series that Lenny mentioned in his comments above. Thank you very much.
Michael Puyear
Here’s a link to the lectures.
Thanks for the kind words, Lenny.
Re your question about three monitors, I’ve yet to work that out yet, so I don’t have experiential knowledge about it. I’ve been told that this is possible only with a desktop and not with a laptop, but I could be wrong.
Thank you Andy, I appreciate it very much.
Thank you for the explanation, Andy. I would add–though I am sure you are already aware–reading through a pile of papers in nothing like reading a book. The short book will be much a blessing when you get finished with it! Already I can think of half-a-dozen people I would recommend read it. May God speed you to that goal! Nathan
Is the Logos 4 engine available for free? I’ve tried unsuccessfully to locate any link to a free upgrade of the engine.
The website (www.logos.com/downloads) still only offers Logos 3 for free.
Mike, I think this explains how to “crossgrade” from Logos 3 to 4.
HT: Mark Ward
Michael, we don’t prominently promote the free core engine for Logos 4 because so much of what makes it shine is included in our base packages. We don’t recommend that someone just grab a few books and download our free core engine. However, it is an option that you’re free to choose. There’s a link to it in the last question on this FAQ page (and a few other places).
I agree with Allen. I don’t do electronic. If it ever comes into print I will be there.
Hey Andy,
You mentioned that the Logos 4 engine is free. Could you post a link for the download for that? I can’t seem to find it on their site.
So could I purchase your book and read it using the free core engine?
Much appreciated!
Vince, it’s available for download here: https://www.logos.com/4ways
Stay tuned: Logos is planning to make some sort of announcement within the next month or so that will make it even easier for anyone to use a book on the Logos platform.
Awesome! Thanks again.
Please do consider making it available for Amazon Kindle. I’m not disagreeing with you about “the way of the future” and it’s great that you love Logos software, but most people that are reading books through a digital medium use Kindle or Nook. Also, Amazon would give your book far more exposure than Logos ever would or could–would anyone really debate that? Just a thought!
There are older saints burdened by Keswick/Chafer for many decades. If I say, “You need Logos” I won’t help them at all. You might want to consider the broad demographics of Christ’s church in making these decisions, regardless of “the wave of the future” or “I prefer.” Just the same, thanks for the work you have done and keep ministering to the His beloved bride.
I agree completely. This book looks and sounds tremendous (I even love the cover art!), and look forward to seeing it someday – especially since I’ve personally studied under a couple of pastor/scholars who were involved with Keswick over the years, and have always wondered about that particular movement. However, I am among the crowd who has no interest in having to “log in” or download anything in order to read a book, so I suppose that I, too, will just have to wait until a physical book is produced from this research.
Apart from brief online articles and e-mails (which I will sometimes wind up printing for future use), all of my serious reading is done with books – REAL paper and ink books. There’s only so much technology that I want in my life every day! Reading is something sacred to me, which will never require cables, wires, or computer screens of any size.
So, I’m glad that Logos and other companies are doing new things and making the Bible, biblical reference materials, and good theological books available to people who prefer the electronic approach – but to me, electronic books are a far cry from well-written words on a printed page.
I have purchased your book on Logos, but I would much prefer the ability to read it on my Kindle. Making “Let Go and Let God” available on Amazon would also make it much easier for those of us who have read it share it with our friends. I’ve personally recommended it to five or so friends, and none of them have been enthusiastic about needing to download another piece of software for just one book.
Aside from my request, I want to thank you for writing this book; it has been of immense help to me. I attended a discipleship school last year which was predominantly influenced by Keswick theology, and I left in much different sort of spiritual turmoil than I had arrived in. Your work has made it much easier for me to analyze the teachings which bothered me but I didn’t know how to respond to. I especially appreciate your loving discernment and patience in dealing with these teachings. I still have many friends whom I dearly love who have gone through or are still in the program I attended and have happily absorbed the teaching. I can easily share your work without being worried about any offense being unnecessarily offered.