The fourth essay in Christ on Campus Initiative’s series was just published: Chawkat Moucarry’s “A Christian Perspective on Islam.” (The essays are also hosted by the Henry Center.)
The CCI essays are (1) by evangelical scholars, (2) geared for campus evangelism, and (3) edited by D. A. Carson.
Here’s the outline for Moucarry’s essay:
1. The Bible: The Christian Scripture
- Falsification Theories
- Inspiration Versus Recitation
- Inspiration
- Recitation
- God Himself Versus God’s Will
- Interpreting the Scriptures
- Evidence for the Reliability of the Bible
- Qur’anical Evidence: The Qur’an Commends the Bible
- Theological Evidence: God’s Word Must Reflect His Attributes
- Scientific Evidence: The Manuscripts Are Reliable and Predate Islam’s Birth
- Rational Evidence: Falsification Does not Make Sense
- The Verdict of Jesus Christ on the Scriptures
2. God
- God in Islam
- God in Christianity
- The Fatherhood of God in Christianity
- He Is Our Creator
- He Cares for Us
- He Is Merciful to Us
- He Disciplines Us
- He Is Our Divine Friend
- He Loves Us
- He Is Our Savior
- What God’s Fatherhood Does Not Mean
3. Jesus Christ
- What Is So Unique About Jesus?
- Jesus’ Birth
- Jesus’ Titles
- God’s Word
- The Messiah
- God’s Spirit
- Jesus’ Mission
- Jesus’ Sinless Life
- Jesus’ Claims
- A Christian Response to Islamic Objections About Jesus
- “The Christian Doctrine Does Not Make Sense”
- “It Is Unfitting for God to Become a Human Being”
- “Jesus Is God’s Son Only in a Symbolic Sense”
4. Sin and Forgiveness
- Sin in Christianity and Islam
- The Definition of Sin
- The Seriousness and Penalty of Sin
- The Scope of Sin
- The Reparation of Sin
- Forgiveness in Islam
- God Is Sovereign: He Will Eventually Forgive All Muslims
- God Is Just: He Will Forgive Only Obedient Muslims
- God Is Merciful: He Will Eventually Forgive All People
- Forgiveness in Christianity
- Islamic Objections to the Crucifixion of Christ
- A Christian response
5. Muhammad
- Proof 1: Biblical Prophecies
- Proof 2: Miracles
- Proof 3: Islamic Law
- Proof 4: Military and Political Success
6. The Kingdom of God
- Two Movements in Opposite Directions
- Jesus
- Muhammad
- Holy War and the Gospel
- Jihad and Shari’a
- The Battle Between Islamic Reform and Islamic Radicalism
Congratulations and Thanks to Dr. Chawkat Maucarry, for his great noble work on God’s Forgivness in Islam. It was really nice and inspirational to listen to him.
Fr. Jacob S. Gomes