Why not celebrate by reading the below transcript or listening to the MP3?
Martin Luther: Lessons from His Life and Labor
by John Piper
by Andy Naselli
Why not celebrate by reading the below transcript or listening to the MP3?
Martin Luther: Lessons from His Life and Labor
by John Piper
by Andy Naselli
New book release from Crossway:
Interpreting the New Testament Text: Introduction to the Art and Science of Exegesis, ed. Bock and Fanning.
by Andy Naselli
This week I’ve had the opportunity to listen to the following MP3s while grading some tests and quizzes:
Steve Lawson on Romans 11:36:
Parts 1 and 2 available here.
Riveting. Refreshing.
Thomas Schreiner on TULIP from a conference in March 2006:
I’ve enjoyed reading Schreiner’s works (e.g., commentary on Romans, Pauline theology), but this was my first time hearing him speak. These MP3s are well worth your time, especially if you disagree with his conclusions. He is a reliable representative for this aspect of Calvinism. (11 other MP3s by Schreiner available here.)
John Piper‘s most recent MP3 from his annual biographical messages: William Tyndale. Moving. Convicting. (as usual)
by Andy Naselli
This morning my wife and I visited College Church in
We just moved to Deerfield, IL in early August and since then have been spending most of our Sundays at Lake Drive Baptist Church in Bay Side, WI, where I’ve been preaching/teaching three times each Sunday. A possible pastoral candidate is preaching there today, so we decided to drive 50 minutes southwest to visit a historic church and hear a godly man who has authored many books, some quite influential. (For more background on Dr. Hughes, see this two-part interview by Jason Janz: part 1, part 2.)
We really liked the worship service, more than any I can remember in recent memory. The main reason is that everything about it was God-centered. God is great, and I love participating in worship that exults in God’s greatness. I tried to think of the specific factors that contributed to this God-centered worship (in order of my impressions as a visitor—not necessarily importance):
I’m aware that there are pros and cons to these thoughts, and I don’t mean to imply that this is the only way to worship God in any culture. But in my culture and limited experience, this is one of the most positive experiences I’ve ever had worshipping God with a church on the Lord’s day.
Grace to you!