Watch and pray:
Detroit Seminary Starts a Blog
DBTS’s faculty just started a blog.
Craig Blomberg on Titles Like “Pastor” and “Dr.”
Craig Blomberg reflects on how “different cultures use honorific titles differently.”
It reminds me of how John MacArthur fields the question, “Why do people call you John [and not Pastor MacArthur or Dr. MacArthur]?”
Well, they called Paul, “Paul.”
He’s Here
David Suchet (the voice of Aslan in the Narnia series by Focus on the Family Radio Theatre) reads “He’s Here” from The Jesus Storybook Bible:
Ministry by His Grace and for His Glory
Over twenty men recently honored Tom Nettles with a Festschrift:
Thomas K. Ascol and Nathan A. Finn, eds. Ministry by His Grace and for His Glory: Essays in Honor of Thomas J. Nettles. Cape Coral, FL: Founders, 2011.
They presented the book to Nettles on November 10, 2011 at Southern Seminary, and it releases today.
The book divides into three parts: historical, theological, and practical. You can view the contents and contributors here.
Tim Tebow’s Platform Stewardship
Tim Tebow with Nathan Whitaker, Through My Eyes (New York: HarperCollins, 2011), pp. ix–x:
Since I first started playing high school football, a lot has been written about me. Some true, some not so true. Some positive, some not so positive. And some of it claiming to even know my mind-set and motivation.
It’s not always the easiest thing to be the center of so much spilled ink. You read glowing things, and it doesn’t feel deserved. You read things that are critical, and it cuts you to the bone. It’s because of both those extremes of others’ opinions that I felt it the natural thing to do to tell my story, written from my perspective. . . .
In addition, the sheer amount that has been written about me also seems to indicate that, for whatever reason, a great number of people have a significant interest in me. In some respects that is very flattering. I’d guess that any one of us would be flattered by that level of interest. However, my parents always told me, from an early age, that we all have the ability to influence others, whether through our words or actions, or both. They always added that, besides possessing the ability, we also have the responsibility to use it in a positive, encouraging, and uplifting way—a platform. Who knows? Maybe my platform will be the same in five years; maybe not. One thing I’m confident of is that the Lord already knows the answer to that, and He has a plan for it all. That is something I’ve learned to have the utmost assurance of and faith in—His daily, weekly, monthly, total and eternal plan for our lives. [Read more…] about Tim Tebow’s Platform Stewardship
Why Pastors Should Bless Interracial Marriage
An 8-minute video by John Piper:
Related: Interracial Marriage: Oppose, Tolerate, or Celebrate?
An Edifying Vision of Marriage
In October 2011 I reviewed this book for the forthcoming edition of JBMW, and the CBMW Blog has posted the review. [Update on 12/4/2012: The review is now available as a PDF.]
Timothy Keller, with Kathy Keller. The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God. New York: Dutton, 2011.
I could apply many adjectives to the book:
- insightful,
- shrewd,
- disarming,
- realistic,
- convicting,
- pastoral,
- warm,
- gracious,
- penetrating,
- theological,
- relevant,
- faithful,
- incisive,
- accessible,
- clear,
- compelling.
But perhaps best of all (because of those traits), it’s edifying.
It has inspired me to glorify God by loving and leading my wife like Ephesians 5:21-33 commands.
Related: I blogged on this book three times in October:
- You Take Me the Way I Am
- Some Practical Counsel for Marriage Seekers
- “My wife has lived with at least five different men since we were wed—and each of the five has been me.”
Money quote from Keller in an interview:
In the long run, the more superficial things that made a person sexually attractive will move to the background, and matters of character, humility, grace, courage, faithfulness, and love will come to the foreground. So companionship, duty, and mutual sacrifice are, in the end, the sexiest things of all.
And here are three videos:
1. An interview with Tim and Kathy Keller:
2. Tim Keller presents the book to Google employees:
3. Tim and Kathy Keller present the book at The Gospel Coalition’s 2012 National Women’s Conference: