Some of Don Carson‘s friends surprised him with a gift on April 12 at The Gospel Coalition’s conference:
Andreas J. Köstenberger and Robert W. Yarbrough, eds. Understanding the Times: New Testament Studies in the 21st Century; Essays in Honor of D. A. Carson at the Occasion of His 65th Birthday. Wheaton: Crossway, 2011. 400 pp.
“The editors and contributors to this volume join in expressing our profound gratitude to you, Don, for your tireless work in God’s kingdom and for your immeasurable impact on the church and on all of us” (p. 11).
Here’s the table of contents:
John Woodbridge and John Piper paid tribute to Carson, and Lane Dennis, Crossway’s president, presented the 400-page Festschrift to him.
Loved Carson’s words upon his acceptance!
For those who weren’t there: Don Carson paraphrased John Newton.
Great photos!