I just uploaded five new MP3s to the D. A. Carson archive:
John MacArthur Interview
I just listened to Rick Holland’s recent interview of John MacArthur, who reflects for over an hour about his last forty years of ministry at Grace Church (MP3 | transcript). Enjoyable and edifying.
Josh Moody’s Installation Service at College Church in Wheaton
Last Sunday afternoon D. A. Carson preached a sermon on 1 Timothy 1:1–20 for Josh Moody‘s Installation Service at College Church in Wheaton: “The Glorious Gospel of the Blessed God.” The sermon is an adaptation of an address that Carson has given once or twice before on this passage, but it is considerably adapted at points.
Tim Keller: Preaching to the Heart
On October 19, 2008, Tim Keller presented two lectures at Oak Hill College on “Preaching to the Heart”:
Here’s how Oak Hill College describes them:
Jonathan Edwards believed that the ultimate purpose of preaching is not only to make the truth clear, but also to make it real—affecting and life-changing. This is usually covered under the topic of “application”, though framing the subject in that way often results in a “tack-on” of practical advice after a dry, academic exposition.
How can we preach the text from first to last in a way that exalts Christ, changes heart motivations, produces wisdom and wonder, persuades the sceptical and results in real life change? In his two lectures, Tim Keller explores these challenges to the preacher.
Free Shepherds’ Conference Downloads
I just saw this welcome announcement from the Shepherds’ Fellowship:
All of the past sessions and seminars are now free to download.
Note: You’ll need to create a (free) Shepherds’ Fellowship account to access the free audio downloads.
D. A. Carson MP3s Now Hosted by TGC
My blog’s most popular post has been “D. A. Carson MP3s” (December 17, 2006). It’s a compilation of links to about 200 Carson MP3s. I updated it diligently through the beginning of 2008, but I stopped because I knew that it would soon become obsolete.
For about the last six months, I’ve attempted to compile a comprehensive collection of Carson MP3s so that TGC could host them. So far I’ve uploaded 443 MP3s (and some MV4s, too), and the plan is to add more as they become available. You can browse most of them in the “sermons” category.
Here are some advantages to the Carson MP3s now hosted by TGC:
- Price: They are all free. Previously ChristWay Media sold dozens of Carson MP3s for $1.50 each. Now those same MP3s are available at no charge from TGC site.
- Number: Never before have so many Carson MP3s been available online. Many of them have not been available online previously. For example, I obtained CDs from Carson with his talks on them from conferences all over the world (including several in French).
- Convenience: Never before have so many Carson MP3s been available online at a single website, and no user name or password is needed to download them.
- Continuity: The MP3s are hosted by the same website. Maintaining my previous list of Carson MP3s was challenging because links would constantly change when websites were updated.
- Labels: The MP3s are uniformly tagged with as much information as I could find (e.g., title, Scripture text, series, topic, date), and the format of the names of the MP3s themselves are also consistent (e.g., “20020619_Eph_2.11-22_community_and_the_cross.mp3”).
I’d highly recommend that you redeem the time and systematically and thoughtfully listen to these MP3s. I have profited immensely from them. Carson’s manner of speaking is just as articulate, thoughtful, and engaging as his publications. He exalts Christ by exegeting his words, tracing themes through the Bible’s salvation-historical storyline, addressing hot topics with clarity and nuance, and engaging and confronting bad theology as well as the culture.
Mike Bullmore’s 2008 Rom Lectures: “The Heart of Preaching and the Preacher’s Heart”
Dr. Mike Bullmore delivered the annual Rom lectures on October 7-9, 2008 at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School on “The Heart of Preaching and the Preacher’s Heart.” Q & A followed each of his three outstanding lectures:
- Session 1: The Functional Centrality of the Gospel in Preaching | 42:56
- Session 1: Q & A (beginning with responses from an M.Div. student, a Ph.D. student, and Pastor Lee Eclov) | 58:32
- Session 2: The Five Greatest Heart Challenges in Preaching | 41:18
- Session 2: Q & A (beginning with responses from Andy Naselli and Dr. Dick Averbeck) | 42:24
- Session 3: A Passion for the Gospel (Philippians 1) | 38:15
- Session 3: Q & A | 36:03
I was humbled that Dr. Scharf asked me to respond to Mike’s second lecture. [Read more…] about Mike Bullmore’s 2008 Rom Lectures: “The Heart of Preaching and the Preacher’s Heart”
D. A. Carson: “Making Sense of Suffering”
This weekend D. A. Carson spoke at a conference on “Making Sense of Suffering” to Omaha Bible Church:
DAC also led a pastor’s session on “Preaching and Biblical Theology.”
HT: Erik Raymond
D. A. Carson MP3s
- The Logical and Emotional Problems of Evil: This links to a handout that lists recommended resources on suffering, including this annotation:
* Carson, D. A. How Long, O Lord? Reflections on Suffering and Evil. 2d ed. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2006. [1. Outstanding, clear, practical, pastoral. The entire book rewards thoughtful reading, especially chapters 11–13. Chapter 11 condenses and updates the major argument of his Ph.D. dissertation completed at Cambridge University in 1975 and reprinted as Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility: Biblical Perspectives in Tension (2d ed.; Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2002).]