The MacArthur Center’s new podcast episode is on apostasy: “When Believers Stop Believing.”
- on Apple podcasts
- on Spotify
(See my post on episode 1—on theological triage.)
It was my pleasure to contribute to this episode on the sobering topic of apostasy.
Related: Here are five short articles I contributed in 2020 to TGC’s 250 concise theology essays:
- “What Is Apostasy? Can a Christian Become Apostate?”
- “The Unpardonable Sin”
- “The Sin unto Death”
- “Must Jesus Be Lord?”
- “Models of Sanctification”
Related: On 11/16/2022, I recorded some short videos for Crossway on Romans. Here’s one of them:
I’ve Heard It Said, “Once Saved, Always Saved” (2:54 min. | transcript)