The prolific Stanley Porter recently reviewed a massive volume by his former mentor, Anthony Thiselton (Wikipedia): Thiselton on Hermeneutics: Collected Works with New Essays (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2006), xvi + 827 pp. Porter’s review, which expresses both appreciation and negative criticism, is available as a 7-page PDF (published 14 July 2007).
Welcome to
We’re excited to welcome you to our new site. Thanks for stopping by!
1. Explanation
1.1. The primary impetus for this new site is a digital camera, a generous end-of-the-year gift my wife received from the parents of her students. In order to share pictures with family and friends, we looked into various options and concluded that it would be most efficient to combine a family blog and my theology blog under the same website domain. Our first choice was, but it was already taken. We settled on the current domain name in order to keep it relatively short and memorable (as opposed to something like or
1.2. Enter Scott Aniol. Scott designed the whole site with expertise as he patiently, flexibly, and kindly interacted with us, and he will continue to be our webmaster as new ideas arise. His company is called WebRight Design, and his professional services are under-priced. He designs sites for individuals, corporations, churches, and much more. Check it out.
2. Introduction
2.1. Andy’s theology blog and resources page are designed primarily for friends who share a passion for theology.
- The blog posts that predate this one are imported from Andy’s previous blog, and future posts will likely be similar: sporadic and short.
- The resources are divided into four categories: blogs, MP3s, theological writings, and general research tools.
2.2. The password-protected family blog is designed for family and friends, so please contact us for a user name and password.
Blomberg Reviews Roy’s "How Much Does God Foreknow?"
In the latest RBL, Craig Blomberg positively reviews Steven Roy‘s How Much Does God Foreknow: A Comprehensive Biblical Study. The review is available as a four-page PDF.
C. S. Lewis: "Fern-Seed and Elephants"
I just finished reading an engaging essay that Robert Stein recommends in his hermeneutics textbook and lectures: C. S. Lewis, “Fern-Seed and Elephants,” [warning: the linked article is filled with typos] in Fern-Seed and Elephants and Other Essays on Christianity (ed. Walter Hooper; London: Fontana, 1975), 104-25. Lewis originally titled the essay “Modern Theology and Biblical Criticism,” which he read at Westcott House, Cambridge, on 11 May 1959. What follows is a brief summary.
Context: Many “Christian” leaders (esp. within the Church of England) had embraced modern (i.e., higher, liberal, non-evangelical) biblical criticism. Lewis, a lay person, addresses those leaders in this essay. “I am a sheep, telling shepherds what only a sheep can tell them. And now I begin my bleating” (105).
C. S. Lewis’s four bleats
- “These men ask me to believe they can read between the lines of the old texts; the evidence is their obvious inability to read (in any sense worth discussing) the lines themselves. They claim to see fern-seed and can’t see an elephant ten yards way in broad daylight” (111).
- “All theology of the liberal type involves at some point—and often involves throughout—the claim that the real behavior and purpose and teaching of Christ came very rapidly to be misunderstood and misrepresented by his followers, and has been recovered or exhumed only by modern scholars. . . . I see—I feel it in my bones—I know beyond argument—that most of their interpretations are merely impossible . . . . The idea that any man or writer should be opaque to those who lived in the same culture, spoke the same language, shared the same habitual imagery and unconscious assumptions, and yet be transparent to those who have none of these advantages, is in my opinion preposterous” (111-12).
- “I find in these theologians a constant use of the principle that the miraculous does not occur. Thus any statement put into our Lord’s mouth by the old texts, which, if he had really made it, would constitute a prediction of the future, is taken to have been put in after the occurrence which it seemed to predict. This is very sensible if we start by knowing that inspired prediction can never occur. Similarly in general, the rejection as unhistorical of all passages which narrate miracles is sensible if we start by knowing that the miraculous in general never occurs” (113).
- “All this sort of criticism attempts to reconstruct the genesis of the texts it studies; what vanished documents each author used, when and where he wrote, with what purposes, under what influences—the whole Sitz im Leben of the text. This is done with immense erudition and great ingenuity. . . . Until you come to be reviewed yourself you would never believe how little of an ordinary review is taken up by criticism in the strict sense” (113-14). “The superiority in judgement and diligence which you are going to attribute to the Biblical critics will have to be almost superhuman if it is to offset the fact that they are everywhere faced with customs, language, race-characteristics, class-characteristics, a religious background, habits of composition, and basic assumptions, which no scholarship will ever enable any man now alive to know as surely and intimately and instinctively as the reviewer can know mine. And for the very same reason, remember, the Biblical critics, whatever reconstructions they devise, can never be crudely proved wrong” (117-18). “I could not describe the history even of my own thought as confidently as these men describe the history of the early Church’s mind” (122).
Conclusion: “Such are the reactions of one bleating layman to Modern Theology. It is right that you should hear them. You will not perhaps hear them very often again. Your parishioners will not often speak to you quite frankly. Once the layman was anxious to hide the fact that he believed so much less than the vicar; now he tends to hide the fact that he believes so much more. Missionary to the priests of one’s own church is an embarrassing role; though I have a horrid feeling that if such mission work is not soon undertaken the future history of the Church of England is likely to be short” (125).
Carson on the implications of 1 Cor 2:15
ὁ δὲ πνευματικὸς ἀνακρίνει [τὰ] πάντα, αὐτὸς δὲ ὑπ᾽ οὐδενὸς ἀνακρίνεται.
But the one who is spiritual discerns all things, yet he himself is understood by no one.
-1 Cor 2:15 NET
Unfortunately, this verse has been ripped out of its context to justify the most appalling arrogance. Some people think of themselves as especially spiritual and discerning Christians and judge that this verse authorizes them, the elite of the elect, to make well-nigh infallible judgments across a broad range of matters. Moreover, they insist, they are so spiritual that others do not have the right to judge them. After all, does not the apostle say that the “spiritual man” is “not subject to any man’s judgment”?This simply will not do. In the context, the “spiritual man” is the person with the Holy Spirit, over against “the man without the Spirit.” The “spiritual man,” in short, is the Christian, not a member of an elite coterie of Christians. . . . “[A]ll things” covers the range of moral and spiritual experience from the rawest paganism to what it means to be a Christian. The Christian has lived in both worlds and can speak of both from experience, from observation, and from a genuine grasp of the Word of God. But the person without the Spirit cannot properly assess what goes on in the spiritual realm–any more than a person who is color-blind is qualified to make nice distinctions in the dramatic hues of a sunset or a rainbow, any more than a person born deaf is qualified to comment on the harmony of Beethoven’s Fifth or on the voice and technique of Pavarotti.
It is important to think through the implications of this verse. Christians in contemporary Western society are constantly being told that they are ignorant, narrow, and incapable of understanding the real world. Paul says the opposite: Christians are as capable as other sinners of understanding the complex and interwoven nature of sin, of grasping the ways in which “wannabe” autonomous human beings reason, and of explaining what the world looks like to modern pagans in our post-modern world. But because they have received the Spirit of God, they are also capable of saying something wise and true about the way the world appears to God. . . . And all this makes them much more comprehensive in outlook than their pagan peers. The really narrow perspective is maintained by the sinner who has never tasted grace, by the fallen human being who has never enjoyed transforming insight, afforded by the Holy Spirit, into God’s wise purposes.
From this perspective, it is idiotic–that is not too strong a word–to extol the world’s perspective and secretly lust after its limited vision. That is what the Corinthians were apparently doing; that is what we are in danger of doing every time we adopt our world’s shibboleths, dote on its heroes, admire its transient stars, seek its admiration, and play to its applause.
–D. A. Carson, “The Cross and the Holy Spirit: 1 Corinthians 2:6-16,” in The Cross and Christian Ministry: Leadership Lessons from 1 Corinthians (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1993), 58-60.
Carson at College Church in Wheaton
D. A. Carson recently preached at College Church in Wheaton, Illinois, three Sundays in row: May 20, May 27, and June 3.
- May 20: “How to Think About Pastors” (1 Timothy 3:1-7)
- May 27: “How to Think About Money” (1 Timothy 6:3-19). In this sermon Carson highly recommends Craig Blomberg‘s Neither Poverty Nor Riches: A Biblical Theology of Possessions.
- June 3: “How to Think About the Last Days” (2 Timothy 3:1-17)
College Church is still looking for a pastor. R. Kent Hughes “retired from his pulpit ministry at College Church and was given the title Senior Pastor Emeritus in December 2006.“
Piper: "Is There Injustice with Our God?"
While meditating this morning on Romans 9:14-18, I recalled a hymn that John Piper penned to accompany his sermon “The Hardening of Pharaoh and the Hope of the World.” It’s entitled “Is There Injustice With Our God?” Glorious. Check it out.
D. A. Carson on “Hidden” Elements in Current Discussions over Science and Origins
The Spring 2007 edition of The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology just came out (SBTS press release). The editorial and forum are available as PDFs.
D. A. Carson leads the forum by answering this question:
In any complex debate, it is not long before there are “hidden” elements in the discussion, i.e., elements that are gumming up the integrity of debate because one side or the other fails to recognize their existence and significance. What “hidden” elements are there in current discussions over science and origins? (p. 78)
Carson’s 7.5-column answer (pp. 78-81) includes three major points:
“(1) Considerable confusion exists over what a biblically faithful understanding of the relationship between God and the created order ought to be. Consider three possibilities.”
- “(a) In an open universe (not to be confused with “open theism”), God interacts openly with the created order.”
- “(b) The direct opposite of the first option is the closed universe. By this I mean that everything that happens in the universe is caused by other things in the universe. There is no outsider, and certainly no God who reaches in and controls things. Cause and effect take place within the closed order of creation.”
- “(c) An alternative to both is the ordered and controlled universe. Here everything that happens takes place within God’s control: not a bird falls from the heavens, Jesus reminds us, apart from God’s sanction.”
- “My point, in any case, is simple: all sides often bring certain assumptions about this relationship to the table, and rule certain arguments out of order simply because they cannot see beyond their assumptions.”
“(2) Two views of what science is are battling to prevail in the public square.”
- “Although the two overlap, the first is more narrowly methodological than the second. The first asserts that science is tasked with understanding as much as possible of the physical order, using the time-tested tools of careful observation, measurement, controlled experiments that can be replicated, deploying testable hypotheses that win consensus or are modified or overturned by subsequent advances, and so forth.”
- “The second view of what science is adopts all the methodological commitments of the first, but adds a philosophical commitment: science in this second view steadfastly refuses to allow into the discussion, at any level, any appeal whatsoever to anything supernatural.”
- “But my point is at the moment a simpler one: Very often conflicting definitions of ‘science’ lurk behind the intensity of our debates.”
“(3) Hermeneutical discussions regarding the opening chapters of Genesis often hide another set of assumptions. . . . [M]y point is the simpler one: on all sides of this discussion, very often hidden elements gum up the quality of the discussion.”