We’re excited to welcome you to our new site. Thanks for stopping by!
1. Explanation
1.1. The primary impetus for this new site is a digital camera, a generous end-of-the-year gift my wife received from the parents of her students. In order to share pictures with family and friends, we looked into various options and concluded that it would be most efficient to combine a family blog and my theology blog under the same website domain. Our first choice was www.naselli.com, but it was already taken. We settled on the current domain name in order to keep it relatively short and memorable (as opposed to something like www.AndyandJenniNaselli.com or www.ThisDomainNameIsWayTooLong.com).
1.2. Enter Scott Aniol. Scott designed the whole site with expertise as he patiently, flexibly, and kindly interacted with us, and he will continue to be our webmaster as new ideas arise. His company is called WebRight Design, and his professional services are under-priced. He designs sites for individuals, corporations, churches, and much more. Check it out.
2. Introduction
2.1. Andy’s theology blog and resources page are designed primarily for friends who share a passion for theology.
- The blog posts that predate this one are imported from Andy’s previous blog, and future posts will likely be similar: sporadic and short.
- The resources are divided into four categories: blogs, MP3s, theological writings, and general research tools.
2.2. The password-protected family blog is designed for family and friends, so please contact us for a user name and password.
Great to see your new site up and running. I am looking forward to seeing you next week at the faculty summit in Minneapolis. Can’t wait to catch up.
Andy congratulations for you contest with for the Logos/SBL tech paper awards. I read the announcement at the SBL site.