When The Gospel Coalition Council Members met last May, they individually answered on video about 130 frequently asked questions. Now each individual video can be embedded onto a blog. Check it out.
Upcoming Events Sponsored by the Henry Center
Owen Strachan recently posted forthcoming events sponsored by the Henry Center. All of these should be recorded and uploaded to the Henry Center’s media page. I’m particularly looking forward to these three events in October: [Read more…] about Upcoming Events Sponsored by the Henry Center
SBL Handbook of Style
I typically consult The SBL Handbook of Style a couple of times each week to double-check various format and style issues. I was just delighted to learn that the entire book is available for free online as a PDF!
Update: The SBL site now says, “You must login to download The SBL Handbook of Style.”
Baker Collections from Logos Bible Software
Logos Bible Software has recently released nine new collections of books published by Baker:
- Robert Webber Ancient-Future Collection (4 Vols.)
- Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics (4 Vols.)
- Baker New Testament Studies Collection (14 Vols.)
- Baker Encountering the Bible Collection (3 Vols.)
- Baker Preaching Collection (8 Vols.)
- Baker Theology Collection (11 Vols.)
- Baker Old Testament Studies Collection (6 Vols.)
- Baker Hermeneutics Collection (14 Vols.)
- Baker Counseling Collection (3 Vols.)
I ordered the collections in bold. Kudos to Logos and Baker.
Themelios in HTML
The Gospel Coalition’s first issue of Themelios was published In early July as a single PDF. It’s now available in HTML format as D. A. Carson announced in his opening editorial:
Readers will note that we are producing this digital Themelios in two formats, both PDF and HTML. The former preserves pagination for accurate referencing; the latter enables Internet users to search the material, cite snippets, copy convenient chunks, and so forth.
Bloggers will especially appreciate the ability to hyperlink directly to specific articles and book reviews. For example, I can link directly to my two book reviews in that issue:
Review of Collin Hansen, Young, Restless, Reformed: A Journalist’s Journey with the New Calvinists. Themelios 33:1 (2008): 91–93.
Review of Milton Vincent, A Gospel Primer for Christians: Learning to See the Glories of God’s Love. Themelios 33:1 (2008): 102–3.
My Contributions to the Evangelical Drudge Report Last Week
Here is what I contributed to Justin Taylor’s blog last week (note especially the posts in bold):
- “Abortions have not gone down”?
- Byron York on the Saddleback Forum
- Interview with Thabiti Anyabwile on “Being a Healthy Church Member”
- Obama-Clinton Ticket?
- Writing
- Mohler: “Analyzing the Saddleback Civil Forum”
- BestCommentaries.com
- Video Preachers at Multi-Site Churches
- Interview with Sam Storms on Colossians
- Dan Cruver MP3
- Suffering and the Goodness of God
- Interview with John Frame on the Problem of Evil
- The Logical and Emotional Problems of Evil
- Sermon Series on Worldliness by Mahaney, Harris, and Kauflin
- Missions Mandate
- New Biblical Theology Blog by Alexander, Bird, Dempster, and Hamilton
- T4A 2008
- Another Obama Article on Abortion
- NRO Editors on Obama’s VP Pick
- Interview with Nathan Busenitz on “Reasons We Believe”
- Kirsty Birkett on Naturalism
Contributing to the Evangelical Drudge Report Again
I’m not one of those post-something-everyday bloggers. Sometimes I go for many days without posting anything. This will probably be another light week because I’ll be contributing a bit to JT’s blog (again). Similar to last time, I’ve lined up several interviews that should be instructive and edifying.
My Contributions to the Evangelical Drudge Report Last Week
Here is what I contributed to Justin Taylor’s blog last week (note especially the posts in bold):
- Schreiner Online (A Reminder)
- Eckhard Schnabel: “Paul the Missionary”
- Interview with John Frame on Seminary
- Hypocrites at Panera: An Illustration of Fallen Human Nature
- Interview with David Reimer on Ezekiel in the ESVSB
- J. I. Packer on Worship Styles
- “Worldliness,” Edited by C. J. Mahaney
- The Essential IVP Reference Collection 2.0
- Interview with Andreas J. Köstenberger on 1 Timothy 2:12
- SBJT: “Learning from the Church Fathers”
- Ligonier’s 2009 National Conference: “The Holiness of God”
- iTunes U
- Albert N. Martin’s Farewell Sermons
- Interview with Tom Schreiner on NT Theology
- Jonathan T. Pennington on Life and Ministry
- Helm’s Deep: More Essays from Paul Helm
- Interview with Lig Duncan
- Special Discount on Logos Bible Software
- Bush Family Calls “The Rush Limbaugh Show”
- Defining Jonathan Edwards
- Zondervan Academic’s Blog
- D.A. Carson Interview: “Is Our Gospel Too Big?”