This appears in the latest issue of Themelios:
Review of Anchor Yale Bible commentary series (84 vols.) in Logos Bible Software. Themelios 34 (2009): 226–27.
by Andy Naselli
This appears in the latest issue of Themelios:
Review of Anchor Yale Bible commentary series (84 vols.) in Logos Bible Software. Themelios 34 (2009): 226–27.
by Andy Naselli
Romans is consuming the majority of my time and thoughts these days since I’m writing a dissertation on the use of the OT in Romans 11:34–35. I recently read and s-l-o-w-l-y reread everything that Douglas J. Moo has written on (1) the theme and structure of Romans and (2) Romans 9–11, and I couldn’t give his outstanding work higher praise. His publications are first-class: the content is superb. I thank God for this man!
Here’s a chronological list of most of Moo’s publications on Romans, which I’ve ranked as introductory, intermediate, and advanced. The most valuable are the NICNT and NIVAC volumes. [Read more…] about Doug Moo on Romans
by Andy Naselli
I just uploaded a new MP3 to the D. A. Carson archive:
“The Rich Man and Lazarus” (Luke 16:19-31) | MP3 | preached on May 17, 2009 at College Church in Wheaton, IL
by Andy Naselli
I’ve been waiting for this for years! Kudos to Logos and Eerdmans for working this out.
by Andy Naselli
I just listened to seven short sermons by Tim Keller on Luke 15, which convey the message of his book The Prodigal God: Recovering the Heart of the Christian Faith
(audio). Thoughtful. Stimulating. Convicting.
The first sermon is from Sept. 2005, and the latter six are from fall 2008:
Update: Cf. my brief review.
by Andy Naselli
David G. Peterson‘s The Acts of the Apostles is hot off the press (it’s not due until June 19, but it’s already available from WTSBooks), and I enjoyed spending some time surveying it this morning. It’s another outstanding addition to the Pillar NT Commentary series. (See my review of the PNTC series, which also notes the authors slated for the forthcoming volumes.)
Peterson, a seasoned scholar on Acts (see his publications on Acts listed below), includes a 45-page section on “The Theology of Acts” (pp. 53–97) in between the “Introduction” (pp. 1–53) and “Commentary” (pp. 99–725).
Anyone writing a commentary on the Acts of the Apostles faces several challenges unique to this book. [Read more…] about David Peterson on Acts
by Andy Naselli
I contributed three related book reviews to the latest issue of Themelios.
1. Review of The Story: Read the Bible as One Seamless Story from Beginning to End. Themelios 34 (2009): 106–7.
“The Story is an edifying tool for a variety of situations: a supplemental textbook for students (junior high, high school, or college), an introduction to the Bible’s storyline for non-Christians or young Christians, and a creative refresher for mature Christians.”
2. Review of The Books of the Bible: A Presentation of Today’s New International Version. Themelios 34 (2009): 108–9.
“The Books of the Bible is ingenious. The way it presents the Bible as a library of literature is unique, simple, and elegant, and it naturally encourages better Bible reading.”
3. Review of Christopher R. Smith, The Beauty Behind the Mask: Rediscovering the Books of the Bible. Themelios 34 (2009): 109–10.
“Smith clearly and persuasively argues that visually presenting the Bible in a single column without chapter or verse references encourages reading that is more informed and engaged.”
by Andy Naselli
Do you know the precise origin of the following textually related quotations?
Photo © Olivier Blaise