Dave Swavely, Who Are You to Judge? The Dangers of Judging and Legalism
(Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing, 2005), 1–3 (numbering added):
Paul in 1 Corinthians 4:5–6 . . . says that we should not judge one another, and that we should not “go beyond what is written” (NIV, ESV). . . . [I]t seems to me that the most committed Christians are actually more susceptible to this problem than those who are not as strong.
The sin of judging is a root cause in most of the interpersonal conflicts that arise in the lives of believers, and so learning to identify and avoid this sin will go a long way toward promoting peace and joy in the body of Christ. And legalism, which is the institutional form of judging, is a dangerous disease that plagues many of our Christian institutions, from churches to schools to families, sapping their spiritual strength and weakening the work of God in their midst.
Here are some examples of judgmental and legalistic statements that I have heard from Christians, all of which we will discuss at some point in this book:
- “I know what you’re thinking,” or “I know why you did that.”
- “There is no way someone can drive a car that expensive and be a godly man.” [Read more…] about Judgmental Statements