“Of Church Organization” is another wise and practical mini-series of short essays by Kevin Bauder.
Note: Central Seminary emails these essays every Friday afternoon. You can join the mailing list (as well as access the archives) here.
by Andy Naselli
“Of Church Organization” is another wise and practical mini-series of short essays by Kevin Bauder.
Note: Central Seminary emails these essays every Friday afternoon. You can join the mailing list (as well as access the archives) here.
by Andy Naselli
Last week I finished reading the most challenging Greek monograph I’ve ever worked through:
Earlier this week I was very thankful to discover this:
For a relatively recent survey of verbal aspect theory (in language much more understandable than Porter!), see this:
Related: Andrew David Naselli, “A Brief Introduction to Verbal Aspect in New Testament Greek,” Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal 12 (2007): 17–28.
by Andy Naselli
An article from my pastor, Dr. Mark Minnick, appeared in The Greenville News today: “The bones of Jesus of critical concern to Christians: The Bible states explicitly the true nature of Jesus’ resurrected body, including its bones.” It’s well written for his target audience.
HT: my brother-in-law, Eric True
by Andy Naselli
What is the use of the adverbial participle ὑπάρχων in Philippians 2:6?
1. concessive: “although”?
2. causal: “because”?
3. something else?
It appears that all of the major English translations render ὑπάρχων either (1) concessively or (2) nebulously or generically (e.g., “being” or “existing”). I haven’t found a single translation that renders it causally. Yet I’m becoming more convinced that a causal interpretation is the most likely. This evening I read a paragraph that reinforces this view (D. A. Carson, Basics for Believers: An Exposition of Philippians [Grand Rapids: Baker, 1996], 44-45):
by Andy Naselli
This week Dr. Carson gave permission to Justin Taylor to post on his blog an announcement that has not been public knowledge up to this point. More details are forthcoming, but at least this much can be released now: Dr. Carson and his good friend Pastor Tim Keller are teaming up with some forty-five other pastors to rally around the gospel, hence their name: The Gospel Coalition. The first conference is a little over two months away: May 23-24, 2007. Their website, www.TheGospelCoalition.org, is in the process of being built; it currently contains information only for this upcoming conference. Registration is limited; the cutoff is at about 550 people. See Justin Taylor’s post for more details.
by Andy Naselli
I just finished reading a book that I would highly recommend to those interested in Greek studies beyond an intermediate level:
John A. L. Lee. A History of New Testament Lexicography. Edited by D. A. Carson. Studies in Biblical Greek 8. New York: Peter Lang, 2003. 414 pages. $39.99.
Have you ever become embroiled in a theological debate that turned at least in part of the meaning of a Greek word? Let me suggest a few: βαπτίζω, ἀτάκτως (2 Thes 3:6, 11), προορίζω, μετανοέω. You get the idea. What fascinates me is this phenomenon: some people who do not hesitate to question the validity of a theology book, commentary, or even a Greek grammar never even consider to do the same with a Greek lexicon. It’s almost as if a Greek lexicon is the ultimate (human) appeal of authority. If it’s in the lexicon, it can’t be wrong. Or can it?
Enter John Lee. The book’s back cover says, “Lee recently retired from the University of Sydney, Australia, where he taught Classical and Koine Greek for thirty years in the Classics Department. His main publication was A Lexical Study of the Septuagint Version of the Pentateuch (1983), a standard work on the language of the Septuagint. He is now affiliated with Macquarie University, where he continues to work with G. H. R. Horsley on A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament with Documentary Parallels, a book to update and replace Moulton and Milligan’s classic Vocabulary of the Greek Testament.”
I thought that this might be a boring book that I would trudge through dutifully. I was wrong. It is fascinating and even hard to put down once you get into it. It is thoughtful, well written, and engaging. It demonstrates that scholarship and literary grace are not mutually exclusive!
Lee divides the work into two parts: historical survey and case studies. Part 1 is more significant. Here are some interesting highlights:
Lee’s historical survey is stunningly detailed and quite convincing. I’m excited to see the future of NT lexicography unfold.
On an applicational note, Lee’s scholarly work is also convicting. I’ve taken lexicons for granted. I knew they must have been a lot of work to create, but I did not appreciate them like I should. Furthermore, we have multiple lexicons available electronically, and they are fully searchable. What a treasure! Thank God for lexicons, lexicographers, and the embarrassment of GNT riches that we have today. I find myself praying this often: “Lord, help me to be a good steward of your manifold grace.”
by Andy Naselli
Mark Dever just posted some well deserved words of praise for D. A. Carson‘s writing ministry as well as his latest forthcoming book, Christ and Culture Revisited (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2008). I’ve enjoyed serving as Dr. Carson’s research/teaching assistant since last August, and I’m so grateful to work under him as my mentor for the Ph.D. NT program at TEDS. I agree wholeheartedly with Dever on this one: the more I learn from and about Dr. Carson, the more I thank God for this gift to the church! (And do follow Dever’s advice re Christ and Culture Revisited.)
Related: See my previous post: “D. A. Carson MP3s.”
by Andy Naselli
The NET Bible (New English Translation) is one of my favorite English translation for at least three reasons:
Here’s a block quotation from the “Preface to the NET Bible First Edition” (under the section entitled “What is unique and distinctive about the NET Bible?”):
See also:
I’ve enjoyed consulting the NET Bible countless times over the past seven years or so, both OT and NT (especially while taking Hebrew and Greek exegesis courses). I don’t always agree with the translation or the notes, but I’m almost always better off for consulting them. One of my next projects (this summer maybe?) is to read straight through the GNT and NET Bible NT simultaneously. Hats off to those involved with the production of the NET Bible!
Update on 3/31/2017: In my latest attempt to explain how to interpret and apply the Bible, I include a chapter on Bible translation (pp. 50–81).