This morning I returned home from San Diego, where I attended the annual meetings for the Evangelical Theological Society and the Society of Biblical Literature. I immensely enjoyed the sunny weather in San Diego (where I lived in 1994–1995 and where Jenni and I honeymooned in 2004), seeing and making new friends, and buying and browsing books!
“Preach the Word”: A Festschrift for R. Kent Hughes
Crossway just released a superb book on preaching in honor of Kent Hughes:
Leland Ryken and Todd A. Wilson, eds. Preach the Word: Essays on Expository Preaching: In Honor of R. Kent Hughes. Wheaton: Crossway, 2007.
- See Crossway’s description of the book as well as its contents, introduction and chapter 1 as a PDF, and back cover.
- You can read the entire book online here.
- D. A. Carson‘s “Challenges for the Twenty-first-century Pulpit” (pp. 172–89) is exceptionally insightful.
Excuses for “Book Plunder”
The latest post on “Addenda & Errata” (a blog by IVP editors) is hilarious: “Top Ten Things to Say on Returning Home with Conference Book Plunder.” (I already shared the article with my wife, so I won’t be able to use any of these excuses—except for #3—after returning home from ETS and SBL in San Diego!)
Piper: “The Future of Justification”
David Mathis, John Piper’s “Executive Pastoral Assistant,” just posted “The Future of Justification for the Rest of Us” on the Desiring God blog.
My favorite part of Mathis’s post was learning that Piper’s book is available for free as a PDF!
This is a wise post. Mathis explains why “not everyone should read John Piper’s new book on justification,” but he also suggests how to profit from the book without reading it from cover to cover. He concludes,
“Don’t feel out of the loop or way behind if you haven’t heard of Wright and the NPP. You shouldn’t necessarily feel the need to familiarize yourself with them. But reading some of these key sections and chapters may help strengthen your theology of justification and ward off attacks on this precious doctrine when they come.”
Fall 2007 Trinity Journal
Today I helped prepare the fall 2007 Trinity Journal for a bulk mailing, so if you or your library subscribe to the TJ, it should arrive soon. And if you or your library does not subscribe, you can do that here.
I scanned the covers, which display the journal’s content:
Dave Doran on Fundamentalism
Last Friday I referenced Collin Hansen’s CT article “The Crisis of Modern Fundamentalism.” This led to an interesting exchange in the comments section, particularly seven posts by Dr. Dave Doran (“Dave” in the comments) as he interacted with Tim Baylor.
- Dr. Dave Doran is president of Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary and senior pastor of Inter-City Baptist Church in Allen Park, MI. He wrote the foreword to Rolland McCune’s Promise Unfulfilled (part of which is reproduced here).
- Tim Baylor grew up in fundamentalism, including a pastoral internship under Dr. Doran. He is currently working on an M.Div. at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. (He is quoted in Collin Hansen’s CT article.)
I’ve found this exchange to be helpful, especially how Dr. Doran articulates his understanding of fundamentalism.
- One of the major questions on the table here is whether fundamentalists can embrace a wider social involvement than some of them have traditionally embraced.
- Coming at the issue from another angle: Is secondary separation the crucial difference between fundamentalism and evangelicalism?
Update: Harold J. Ockenga’s foreword to Harold Lindsell’s The Battle for the Bible (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1976) suggests that I asked the right two questions: “The ringing call for [1] a repudiation of separatism and [2] the summons to social involvement” were the two key notes of the address for which Ockenga coined the term “neo-evangelicalism” in 1948 (p. 11). HT: Brian Collins.
Leon Morris’s “Apocalyptic” as a PDF
Thanks to Rob Bradshaw for making available the following book as a free PDF:
Morris, Leon. Apocalyptic. 2d ed. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1972. 105 pp.
Review of “Hearing the Old Testament in the New Testament,” ed. Porter
Stanley E. Porter, ed. Hearing the Old Testament in the New Testament. McMaster New Testament Studies 8. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2006.316 pp. $29.00.
In fall 2006 I reviewed the above book, and the review—now available here—was published in spring 2007:
Review of Stanley E. Porter, ed., Hearing the Old Testament in the New Testament. Trinity Journal 28 (2007): 153–54.