The opening of Doug Moo’s chapter in Grant Osborne’s Festschrift made me smile:
I consider it a great privilege to be able to contribute an essay to this volume honoring a good friend and, for many years, colleague, Grant Osborne. We served together at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School for over twenty years, years that cemented our relationship not only professionally but personally. We lived in the same neighborhood as the Osbornes for many years, and our families grew up together. Seared in my memory especially are times spent with Grant and other Trinity colleagues in an automobile, as we car-pooled together back and forth to Trinity. Students sometimes wondered at the deep theological discussions we profs must have been having during those rides; but I am afraid that our topics of conversation more often focused on the Chicago Bears or Bulls than on millennialism or supra-lapsarianism!
-Douglas J. Moo, “Translation in New Testament Commentaries,” On the Writing of New Testament Commentaries: Festschrift for Grant R. Osborne on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday (ed. Stanley E. Porter and Eckhard J. Schnabel; Texts and Editions for New Testament Study 8; Leiden: Brill, 2013), 57.
not to second guess the publisher’s marketing strategy or price points, but the high hurdle of this initial offering’s cost puts it out of reach for many including me. I would have thought the writers would have wanted more dissemination of their work. Well, for me this (the festschrift) will not be read until it is more reasonably priced.