It’s finally available (along with a nice giveaway).
The Ministry of Rebuke
Two Books on Politics by Theologians Coming out Next Month
One short (144 pages)
Carl R. Trueman. Republocrat: Confessions of a Liberal Conservative. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing, 2010.
(Sample pages, video interview, and endorsements here.)
One long (624 pages)
Wayne Grudem. Politics according to the Bible: A Comprehensive Resource for Understanding Modern Political Issues in Light of Scripture. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2010.
Themelios and a Review
1. The July 2010 issue of Themelios came out today. It’s loaded (as usual).
2. It includes my review of the 87-volume Zondervan Reference Bundle.
Book Giveaway: Essential Edwards Collection
Details at James Grant’s blog.
Eager to Criticize
A good, convicting word from Dane Ortlund.
My Contributions to the Evangelical Drudge Report Last Week
Here is what I contributed to Justin Taylor’s blog last week:
- Academic Administration
- Free Audiobook: Tim Keller’s Ministries of Mercy
- Recommended Resources in Carson’s Leader’s Guide: Introduction | Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10–14
- Interview with Simon Gathercole on the Gospel of Judas and the Gospel of Thomas
- 2010 Resolved Conference
- Interview with Desi Alexander on Biblical Theology
- Interview with Chris Morgan on the Glory of God
- Mike Bullmore on the Gospel and Pastoral Ministry
- Interview with Stephen Dempster on Old Testament Theology
- Jim Hamilton Reviews Sailhamer on the Pentateuch
- Humorous Headlines
- Advice for Busy People, Especially College Students
- Interview with Peter O’Brien on the Letter to the Hebrews
- Should pastors separate the Christian wedding ceremony from the civil rite?
- Interview with Michael Lawrence on Biblical Theology and the Church
- Do You Love Your Spouse?
Previous contributions:
Three Recent Interviews
Three people recently interviewed me about Keswick theology, and MP3s are available for each interview:
- A 55-minute interview on Kevin Boling’s “Knowing the Truth” Radio Program broadcast live on July 22.
- Aaron Blumer, publisher for Sharper Iron, interviewed me on the campus of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School on June 21, and he published a 32-minute interview on July 28 (part 1 | part 2).
- John Starke, managing editor of TGC Reviews, led a phone interview on July 22, and he published a 17-minute interview today.
Radio interviews provide all sorts of opportunities for embarrassing bloopers. In this case I misspell Keswick by emphasizing the silent “w” and omitting the final “k”!
Here are a few pics from Kevin Boling’s interview:
Related: Let Go and Let God?
Update on 8/23/2017: My latest book attempts to survey and analyze “let go and let God” theology more accessibly: