I was present when Doug Moo reviewed this book at ETS in 2009:
John M. Frame. The Doctrine of the Christian Life. A Theology of Lordship. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian & Reformed, 2008.
You can view the contents of Frame’s book in a 29-page PDF here.
After recently reading Frame’s book, I asked Doug if his review has been published. It hasn’t, and he gave me permission to upload it here:
Douglas J. Moo. Review of John M. Frame, The Doctrine of the Christian Life. 61st Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society. New Orleans, November 2009.
Moo’s conclusion:
The book is an admirable, biblically rich, and very satisfying exploration of the meaning, implications, and practical contemporary outworking of biblical law through the lens of the Decalogue. I learned a lot from it. I was challenged in my own too often superficial level of Christian obedience. And it is an important counterbalance to those who err on the side of turning Christian ethics into a vacuous and undefined call to love one another. But at the end of the day, by not focusing enough attention on the grand New Testament themes of Christ’s lordship, the work of the Holy Spirit, and the transformation of mind and heart in conformity with Christ, the book did not satisfy me as a whole and balanced description of the Christian life.
Does anyone have a recommendation for a more holistic treatment of this topic? Would love to read one.
After having read this book almost twice myself for a class I taught at my church on the Ten Commandments, I would agree with Moo’s assessment. Because it is only about the Ten Commandments it cannot be considered to be about the doctrine of the Christian life.
Thanks for posting this. I respect both Moo and Frame so much. It is a great benefit to consider Moo’s reflection on Frame’s book.
It seems to me that the title is the problem. Frame doesn’t claim the book to be a holistic view of the Christian life… besides, you know, the title. Oops. It is a textbook for Christian ethics. It provides a triadic framework (no pun intended) for understanding ethical decision-making and then works through examples under the rubric of the 10 Commandments.
Thanks for posting this. I remember him presenting this and searched all over to find it.
This is to let you know I will be presenting another critical examination of Frame’s triperspectival method at ETS 2016 meeting next month in San Antonio. My paper is titled: “The Trinitarian Nature of Biblical Bioethics: A Theological Corrective to Frame’s Philosophical Paradigm.” Hope you can be there. Daniel Heimbach, Senior Professor of Christian Ethics, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Thanks for letting me know, Dr. Heimbach!