This weekend I listened to the audiobook of George Marsden’s 160-page A Short Life of Jonathan Edwards (Amazon | WTS Books). It’s considerably shorter than Marsden’s 640-page Jonathan Edwards: A Life (Amazon | WTS Books).
Marsden is a good writer and superb historian. Edwards is a remarkable man and God-intoxicated theologian. Good combination. Time well spent.
Hi Andy,
I am curious, with the 3/4 reduction in words, is it an abridgment, or did he leave out entire sections without addressing them?
Have read through the first twice–a treat.
Good question, Sam. If you click on the cover of the book, it will take you to its WTS Books page, which includes a PDF of some sample pages. That PDF includes the two-page preface in which Marsden answers your question with more detail than I’ll give here.
Hi Andy,
I love your blog because whenever I need a good book I just click on your site and find one to buy. I read Jonathan Edwards: A Life and thoroughly loved it, so I’m glad to hear about this shorter book. Not to mention it’s on Kindle! Keep up your good work.
Blessings from the Colombian coast!