D. A. Carson’s Christ and Culture Revisited (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2008) is now available.
- Cf. a 12-page PDF of the front matter and preface.
- Cf. my previous post “Dever on Carson’s Latest Book” (March 7, 2007).
- Cf. Eerdmans’s description and Dever’s and Keller’s endorsements.
I heartily recommend this volume.
- Carson skillfully applies his biblical theological framework—interpreting the whole Bible with a robust salvation-historical grid—to the issue of “Christ and Culture” that H. Richard Niebuhr raised in 1951.
- It is a model work for combining biblical, historical, systematic, and practical theology for the benefit of the church.
- Though Carson normally publishes in the fields of NT exegesis and theology, this book is impressively up-to-date with the relevant literature and arguments.
I had the privilege of meticulously reading this volume straight through at least three times at various stages last year. It’s the type of book that rewards slow, thoughtful, even repeated reading.