My friend A. J. Gibson is a missionary in Monterrey, Mexico. Why?
A. J. explains in a comment he posted re Chris Anderson’s perceptive “Advice for My Angst-Ridden, Non-Calvinistic Friends” (which weighs in on the issue I raised in “An Example of a Fundamentalism Not Worth Saving“):
Excellent comments, Chris. I’m a missionary for several reasons.
- Because I believe with all my heart that God has a chosen people in Latin America and that he’s given me the privilege to help call them out from the nations for his name.
- Because my theology tells me that God’s glory is the chief end of all his eternal decrees and that the greatest thing I can do in this life is live to that end.
- Because many years ago I tearfully and brokenly read Piper’s Let the Nations Be Glad and my man- (and self-) centered worldview was devastated by the beauty and greatness of the God I found there. Never in all my years growing up in fundamentalism had I heard or read such words. I decided that I had to tell others about Him.
Soli Deo Gloria
(BTW, in the interests of historical accuracy, those Latin words were the battle cry of a group of flamboyant Calvinist leaders whose ministries continue to bear fruit 500 years later.)
And Let the Nations Be Glad revolutionized the way I think about missions. We used it as a springboard and study guide in my (Presbyterian) church. What greater motivation to spread the gospel can there be than the privilege of participating in the glorification of God?