Dave Croteau has written another book on tithing:
David A. Croteau. Tithing after the Cross: A Refutation of the Top Arguments for Tithing and New Paradigm for Giving. Areopagus Critical Christian Issues 7. Gonzalez, FL: Energion, 2013.
Dave explains here why he wrote a third book on tithing and how this differs from the first two. (I blogged about the second one.)
Here’s my endorsement:
This book is thoughtful, clear, pastoral, convincing, and convicting. It does not lead to a position that Christians should give less than ten percent. Rather, (a) if the foundation of giving is our relationship with God and the grace and love he gives us and (b) if the amount we give is based on our income, what we determine in our heart, the needs of those ministering to us and of fellow Christians, and generosity, then why give only ten percent?
Related: What We Should Do with Our Money (note the resources listed at the end)
I either need to stop reading your blog or you have to stop pushing books. I think I end up buying every one of them. Thanks for all the great resources.