I think Doug Wilson wins this three-way debate: “Should Churches Display the American Flag in Their Sanctuaries?” Christianity Today 56, no. 7 (2012): 82.
(Direct links to CT often don’t work unless you subscribe to CT. If that’s the case for you for the above link, just Google the title to view the whole article.)
The last line of Doug Wilson’s little essay still makes me grin:
This is why, in my ideal scenario, the elders who vote in session to remove the American flag from the sanctuary should all have that same flag on their pickup trucks, right next to the gun rack.
Thomas Overmiller says
Admittedly, this can be a challenging question. But I have asked myself, “Would the 1st century church feature a bust of Caesar in their place of worship?” Probably not.
Then of course there is the question of whether a church should celebrate a Patriotic or America Sunday worship service? I prefer to avoid this, and let the church be the church.