Here’s a free PDF of the following article (posted with the publisher’s permission):
William D. Barrick. “Noah’s Flood and Its Geological Implications.” Pages 251–81 in Coming to Grips with Genesis: Biblical Authority and the Age of the Earth. Edited by Terry Mortenson and Thane H. Ury. Green Forest, AR: Master, 2008.
A lot of this discussion is above my pay grade (esp. re geology), but it’s disappointing when non-young-earth-creationists marginalize exegesis like this.
1. The A Priori Status of the Biblical Record of the Flood
2. The Biblical Chronology of the Flood Narrative [Literary Issues]
3. Translation with Chronological Notations
Introduction to the Flood Narrative Proper (7:6–10)
I. First Section of the Flood Narrative (7:11-18)
II. Second Section of the Flood Narrative (7:19–8:4)
III. Third Section of the Flood Narrative (8:5–12)
Conclusion to the Flood Narrative Proper (8:13–14)
4. Two-Fold Purpose of the Flood
5. Prevailing Phase
6. Subsiding Phase: A Key Interpretative Issue Involving Mechanism [three observations]
7. Summary of Chronology
8. Geological Inferences [Global Tectonics]
9. Continental Erosion and Deposition
10. Paleontological Considerations [Sea Level Curve]
11. Conclusion
I am working my way through this book right now and just finished this particular chapter. Very helpful book.
Have you read Did God Create in 6 Days? (Pipa) If so any thoughts between the two books?
I haven’t read Pipa’s book.
I love Bill Barrick, one of the very best Bible translator of the Modern Day Bengali Bible and missionary for 15 years. I missed his classes when he first came to Masters having graduated before.