The annual Mid-America Conference on Preaching, hosted by Inter-City Baptist Church and Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary, is scheduled for Thursday and Friday, October 18–19, 2007. Dr. Claude Wiggins just emailed this (pasted below with his permission; hyperlinks added):
“We would love to have you join us for the 2007 Mid-America Conference on Preaching. Our theme for this year, ‘Learning from the Past, Pressing toward the Future,’ is a reminder that we are runners in a relay race that began with the Apostles and will continue until our Lord returns. We can’t live looking backward, but if we don’t understand what has happened before us, we’re surely headed for trouble.
“This year’s speakers include Doug McLachlan, Mark Minnick, Sam Horn, David Saxon, David Doran, and the faculty of DBTS. The schedule includes eight general sessions and opportunity to choose from two dozen workshops. Complete conference information, including workshop list, schedule and registration form, is available at For additional information please email or call (313) 381-0111.”
Workshops include the following:
- Essential Qualities of God-Honoring Worship Songs
- A Model for Developing A God-Centered Ministry
- Shades of Evangelicals: Recognizing the Differences
- Conservative Evangelicals and Fundamentalists: Recognizing the Differences
- Are We Worried about Holiness or How We Look?
- Expositional Preaching from the Parables
- Designing Sermons for Effective Communication
- Weakness or Wisdom? Fundamentalism and Romans 14:1–15:13
- Are Baptists Protestants?
- In Defense of Penal-Substitutionary Atonement
- Evangelistic Calvinists Past and Present: Being What We Were Chosen to Become
- Is There a Present Form of The Kingdom of God/Heaven: A Case Study in Hermeneutics and Theology
- Meaning of Fellowship in 1 John
- An Overview of Ecclesiastes
- Local Church Membership and the Practice of the Ordinances
Will you be coming to this year’s conference?
Unfortunately, no, due to current responsibilities (e.g., I teach a Greek class that Thursday morning). Plus I’ll be taking a whole week off school prior to Thanksgiving for the ETS and SBL meetings in San Diego. I do plan, however, to listen much of the conference on MP3s afterwards.