Sinclair Ferguson is writing a series of children’s books called “Heroes of the Faith.” The first three books highlight heroes of the first centuries:
Click the images above for more information, including
- sample PDFs,
- descriptions of each book, and
- Ferguson’s “personal word to parents” about his new series.
I read these three books to my 2.75-year-old daughter last week, and she enjoyed them (and has kept asking me to read the story of Polycarp to her again). But she got restless while I read them because there are a lot of words on each page and the prose is more at the level of elementary-school children.
Each book ends with a timeline that lists heroes of the faith that Ferguson apparently plans to write books about:
Heroes of the First Centuries
Heroes of the Truth
- Athanasius (296–373)
- Basil of Caesarea (329–379)
- Gregory of Nyssa (330–395)
- Gregory of Nazianzus (330–389)
- Augustine (354–430)
Heroes of the Darkness and the Dawn
- Gottschalk (805–869)
- Anselm (1033–1109)
- John Wycliffe (1328–1384)
- Jan Huss (1373–1415)
Heroes of the Reformation
- Martin Luther (1483–1546)
- William Tyndale (1484–1536)
- John Calvin (1509–1564)
- John Knox (1514–1572)
Heroes of the Purifying
- William Perkins (1558–1602)
- John Owen (1616–1683)
- John Bunyan (1628–1688)
Heroes of Evangelism
- John Wesley (1703–1792)
- Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758)
- George Whitefield (1714–1770)
Heroes of the World
- William Wilberforce (1758–1833)
- William Carey (1761–1834)
- Henry Martyn (1781–1812)
- John G. Paton (1824–1907)
- C. H. Spurgeon (1834–92)
Heroes of the 20th Century
- D. M. Lloyd-Jones (1899–1981)
Is there a place this complete set can be purchased?
I’m not sure, Brandy.