This book releases this month:

Barrett, Matthew, ed. The Doctrine by Which the Church Stands or Falls: Justification in Historical, Biblical, Theological, and Pastoral Perspective. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2019.
I contributed the essay on Romans.
Here are the contents:
Foreword (D. A. Carson)
Introduction: The Foolishness of Justification (Matthew Barrett)
Part One: Justification in Biblical Perspective
1. “He Believed the Lord”: The Pedigree of Justification in the Pentateuch (Stephen Dempster)
2. Singing and Living Justification by Faith Alone: The Psalms and the Wisdom Literature (Allan Harman)
3. Salvation Is the Lord’s: Prophetic Perspectives (Willem VanGemeren)
4. Setting the Record Straight: Second Temple Judaism and Works Righteousness (Robert J. Cara)
5. What Does Justification Have to Do with the Gospels? (Brian Vickers)
6. The Righteous God Righteously Righteouses the Unrighteous: Justification according to Romans (Andrew David Naselli)
7. By Grace You Have Been Saved through Faith: Justification in the Pauline Epistles (Brandon Crowe)
8. An Epistle of Straw? Reconciling James and Paul (Dan McCartney)
9. The New Quest for Paul: A Critique of the New Perspective on Paul (Timo Laato)
10. What’s Next? Justification after the New Perspective (David A. Shaw)
Part Two: Justification in Theological Perspective
11. “Behold, the Lamb of God”: Theology Proper and the Inseparability of Penal-Substitutionary Atonement from Forensic Justification and Imputation (Stephen J. Wellum)
12. Raised for Our Justification: The Christological, Covenantal, Forensic, and Eschatological Contours of an Ambiguous Relationship (Matthew Barrett)
13. The Theology of Justification by Faith: The Theological Case for Sola Fide (Mark Thompson)
14. The Passive and Active Obedience of Christ: Retrieving a Biblical Distinction (Brandon Crowe)
15. A Contested Union: Union with Christ and the Justification Debate (David VanDrunen)
16. Faith Works: Properly Understanding the Relationship between Justification and Sanctification (R. Lucas Stamps)
17. Justification, the Law, and the New Covenant (Jason Meyer)
Part Three: Justification in Church History
18. Reformation Invention or Historic Orthodoxy? Justification in the Fathers (Gerald Bray)
19. The Evolution of Justification: Justification in the Medieval Traditions (Nick Needham)
20. Can This Bird Fly? The Reformation as Reaction to the Via Moderna’s Covenantal, Voluntarist Justification Theology (Matthew Barrett)
21. The First and Chief Article: Luther’s Discovery of Sola Fide and Its Controversial Reception in Lutheranism (Korey Maas)
22. The Ground of Religion: Justification according to the Reformed Tradition (J. V. Fesko)
23. Not by Faith Alone? An Analysis of the Roman Catholic Doctrine of Justification from Trent to the Joint Declaration (Leonardo De Chirico)
24. The Eclipse of Justification: Justification during the Enlightenment and Post-Enlightenment Eras (Bruce P. Baugus)
Part Four: Justification in Pastoral Practice
25. Justification and Conversion: Attractions and Repulsions to Rome (Chris Castaldo)
26. The Ground on Which We Stand: The Necessity of Justification for Pastoral Ministry (Sam Storms)