I enjoy singing Andrew Peterson’s “Beautiful Girl” to my two-year-old daughter Kara. (It’s on his album Slugs & Bugs & Lullabies.) So for Father’s Day, Jenni framed this picture for me (click to enlarge):
by Andy Naselli
I enjoy singing Andrew Peterson’s “Beautiful Girl” to my two-year-old daughter Kara. (It’s on his album Slugs & Bugs & Lullabies.) So for Father’s Day, Jenni framed this picture for me (click to enlarge):
Thanks for mentioning the song “Beautiful Girl.” I am a fan of Andrew Peterson’s “Behold the Lamb of God,” but had never heard this song before. Upon listening to a clip of it, it was very clear to me, as the father of a beautiful young daughter, that I needed to purchase it. Thanks again.
My three daughters love this song & the Slugs & Bugs album! I changed the lyrics a bit though. Not because the original were bad – probably ’cause I couldn’t remember them! Mine go like this:
I love to hug you
I love to kiss you
And when I’m at work
Oh how Daddy does miss you
But when I come home
I can pick you right up
‘Cause I love my girls!