Four helps for learning from Jesus’ rhetoric:
1. Joe Carter and John Coleman. How to Argue Like Jesus: Learning Persuasion from History’s Greatest Communicator. Wheaton: Crossway, 2009.
2. Stan Guthrie. All That Jesus Asks: How His Questions Can Teach and Transform Us. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2010.
Kent Hughes observes that this book “is one-of-a-kind because it is the only book to date to deal with all the questions that Jesus asked—all three hundred of them!”
3. Randy Newman. Questioning Evangelism. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2004.
J. P. Moreland: “This book is must reading for those who want to learn how to bring apologetics into evangelism in a biblical and relationally sensitive sort of way.”
D. A. Carson: “This book reflects both a deep grasp of biblical theology and a penetrating compassion for people. How very much like the Master himself!”
4. Robert H. Stein. The Method and Message of Jesus’ Teachings. 2nd ed. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 1994.
Related: A book I highlighted in 2009:
Gregory Koukl. Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2009.
Thanks for the recommendation, definitely going to put it on my list for this year. It was a seminary philosophy professor who opened my eyes to the fact that Jesus was one of the most effective persuasive speakers in history, and that we shouldn’t shy away from making our point. Looking forward to the book.
I find this entire list of your recommendations quite thought-provoking.
Thank you!