Chris Morgan and Robert Peterson did it again. They’ve successfully addressed an important topic with a theological method that grounds its systematic and practical theology in exegesis and biblical theology (and historical theology informs it).
Christopher W.Morgan and Robert A. Peterson, eds. Heaven. Theology in Community. Wheaton: Crossway, 2014.
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I am a longtime enjoyer of your blog and admirer of your work. Thanks for the work you do!
Due to my chronic and increasingly debilitating struggle with Lyme disease, I have a keen interest in heaven and the new creation. I have read several books on the subject (including Life Everlasting, one you recommended a few years ago), and appreciate your recommendation of this new one.
The book I have benefited from the most, especially in terms of awakening hope in God’s promised future, is Heaven by Randy Alcorn. Do you have any thoughts on this book, or are you aware of any quality reviews that might point out any significant problems with Alcorn’s understanding of the Bible’s teaching on heaven and the new creation?
Grace to you, Marshall. Randy Alcorn is a friend of mine whom I respect deeply. I thank God for him. When I teach on the new heavens and the new earth in my Systematic Theology classes, I usually require students to spend some time reading his book on heaven because it is so detailed and thoughtful. I’m sure that there are some good reviews of it available, but none come immediately to mind.