This book releases this month:
Kevin DeYoung. What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality? Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2015. 158 pp.
Check out this 36-page PDF sample. (And here’s a free corresponding 36-page study guide.)
I read a draft of this book last December, and Crossway permitted me to let the seminary students in my Biblical Ethics course this semester read a pre-publication draft earlier this semester.
I think this book will do an enormous amount of good. It’s typical Kevin DeYoung: clear, faithful, relevant, compelling. This is an accessible, remarkably concise book on the hot-button cultural issue of the day. If I had to choose only one book to recommend to someone (whether a Christian or non-Christian) who wanted to read a basic overview of what the Bible says about homosexuality and what that means for today, this is it.
Here are two videos Crossway recorded live on March 17, 2015 (College Church, Wheaton, IL):
What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality?
Panel Discussion: Kevin DeYoung, Justin Taylor, Jackie Hill Perry, and Josh Moody
And Justin Taylor interviews Kevin DeYoung.