Here are my publications that released in 2023—plus some books I endorsed. (I prepared this list so that I can conveniently link to one post.) As I explain in the article “Three Reflections on Evangelical Academic Publishing,” I aim to be academically responsible more than academically respectable. The ultimate reason I research, write, teach, and shepherd is to glorify God by serving Christ’s church.
- Tracing the Argument of 1 Corinthians: A Phrase Diagram. Bellingham, WA: Logos, 2023.
- Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament. Edited by G. K. Beale, D. A. Carson, Benjamin L. Gladd, and Andrew David Naselli. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2023.
- Predestination: An Introduction. Short Studies in Systematic Theology. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, January 2024. (The official publication date is January 2024, but it is available early because Crossway was able to print it ahead of schedule.)
- “Are You a Gentle Man? Must We Be Weak to Be Gentle?” American Reformer, 7 August 2023. (This article is an overflow from a talk I prepared.)
- “D. A. Carson’s Theological Method.” Pages 11–50 in The Gospel and the Modern World: A Theological Vision for the Church. Edited by Brian J. Tabb. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2023.
- “Don’t Women Need Access to Abortion for Rape?” Christ Over All, 13 January 2023. (I followed up on this article with an interview on “Abortion Ethics.”)
- “History of Interpretation: 1800 to Present.” Pages 319–27 in Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament. Edited by G. K. Beale, D. A. Carson, Benjamin L. Gladd, and Andrew David Naselli. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2023.
- “Is the Holy Spirit an ‘It’? 7 Proofs for the Spirit’s Personhood.” Word by Word, 19 April 2023.
- “Serpent and Antichrist.” Pages 775–79 in Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament. Edited by G. K. Beale, D. A. Carson, Benjamin L. Gladd, and Andrew David Naselli. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2023.
- “Twelve Reflections on Twelve Interviews on Christian Nationalism.” Christ Over All, 27 November 2023. (You may listen to Kevin McClure read my article on the Christ Over All podcast here. For block quotes, the podcast features audio clips from the original interviews. Christ Over All also released a 68-minute podcast episode in which I discuss this article with David Schrock and Steve Wellum.)
- “What Does It Mean for a Man to Manage His Household Well?” Christ Over All, 2 May 2023. (This article is an overflow from a talk I prepared.)
- “What If Your Neighbor Asks You to Call Her a Him? An Interview with a Suburban Christian Dad.” American Reformer, 28 August 2023.
- “What Is the Spectrum of Major Views on Political Theology? A Proposed Taxonomy of Seven Views on Religion and Government.” Christ Over All, 10 November 2023. (Christ Over All released a 66-minute podcast episode in which I discuss this article with David Schrock and Steve Wellum.)
- “Winsomeness Can Be a Virtue or a Vice: Winning Some vs. Pleasing Some.” American Reformer, 24 August 2023.
- “Women and Head Coverings: Explaining and Applying 1 Corinthians 11:2–16.” Christ Over All, 8 March 2023.
- “Yet Another Attempt to Justify What God Forbids: A Response to Cynthia Lang Westfall, ‘Male and Female, One in Christ.’” Eikon: A Journal for Biblical Anthropology 5.1 (2023): 32–39.
- “Don’t Believe Culture’s Lies about Men and Women: A Review of Rosaria Butterfield’s Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age.” American Reformer, 1 September 2023.
- “God’s Good Design for Sex: A Review of Michael Clary’s God’s Good Design.” American Reformer, 28 July 2023.
Books I Endorsed
These aren’t my publications. These are some books I endorsed (along with my endorsements).
- Blaylock, Richard M. Vessels of Wrath: Volume 1. The Witness of the Old Testament to Divine Reprobating Activity; Vessels of Wrath: Volume 2. The Witness of the New Testament to Divine Reprobating Activity. Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2023. “Richard Blaylock analyzes God’s reprobating activity in the Bible with great care and thoroughness. The way he exegetes and correlates Scripture is not overstated but convincing.”
- Mahaney, Carolyn, and Nicole Whitacre. True Life: Practical Wisdom from the Book of Ecclesiastes. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2023. “This wise book helps us realistically assess our short life ‘under the sun,’ and it encourages us to fear God and to enjoy the life he has ordained for us.” [endorsed with my wife, Jenni]
Moo, Douglas J., Eckhard J. Schnabel, Thomas R. Schreiner, and Frank Thielman, eds. Paul’s Letter to the Romans: Theological Essays. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2023. “This collection of essays on the greatest letter ever written is thought provoking and academically responsible. That is what we would expect since the editors are expert exegetes who have authored outstanding commentaries on Romans.”
Riccardi, Michael. To Save Sinners: A Critical Evaluation of the Multiple Intentions View of the Atonement. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2023. “Mike Riccardi robustly defends definite atonement with careful and coherent exegesis and theology. In particular, he explains and refutes the multiple intentions view that some Calvinists have recently argued for.”
- Schrock, David S. Dividing the Faithful: How a Little Book on Race Fractured a Movement Founded on Grace. Douglasville, GA: G3, 2023. “Back in 2018 I was concerned about the progressive direction one of my Reformed evangelical friends was going. He was writing a dissertation (at one of the largest and most theologically conservative seminaries in America) on how white evangelicals are guilty of white fragility, and he had become an activist for what he called ‘racial justice.’ I asked him to recommend a book for me to read in order to better understand his perspective, and he cautioned me to avoid people like Thomas Sowell because such black intellectuals are marginal voices who do not represent the black view. The book he most encouraged me to read is Emerson and Smith’s Divided by Faith. I read it, and my concerns increased. I wish David Schrock’s Dividing the Faithful had been available then. I’m glad it’s available now.”
Shenvi, Neil, and Pat Sawyer. Critical Dilemma: The Rise of Critical Theories and Social Justice Ideology―Implications for the Church and Society. Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 2023. “For the past five years, Neil Shenvi’s website has been enormously helpful to me as I have tried to better understand the ‘contemporary critical theory’ cultural revolution. Most of us don’t have the patience and expertise to engage so many technical primary sources that are incompatible with Christianity. In this book Neil Shenvi and Pat Sawyer update their years of research to give us a resource that is clear, meticulous, responsible, reasonable, penetrating, loving, and discerning. Their work is especially helpful for pastors and teachers since God calls us not only to give instruction in sound doctrine but also to rebuke those who contradict it (Titus 1:9).”
White, J. Aaron. The Little Book of Great Comfort for Grieving Christians: Meditations from Romans Chapter 8. Wapwallopen, PA: Shepherd, 2023. “Romans 8 is gloriously assuring for those who are in Christ and have the Spirit and love the triune God. We are free from condemnation, and we confidently expect that God will glorify us and that nothing can successfully be against us. In this book Pastor Aaron White shows how Romans 8 is comforting particularly for Christians who are grieving.”
Bowman, Robert M., Jr., and J. Ed Komoszewski. The Incarnate Christ and His Critics: A Biblical Defense. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2024. “Bowman and Komoszewski make a cumulative-case argument that Jesus the Messiah is God the Son. Their argument is clear, memorable, extensive, informed, and compelling. It leads me to exult in and worship our God and Savior Jesus Christ.”
DeMars, Sean. Rebel to Your Will: A Story of Abuse, Father Hunger, and Gospel Hope. Fearn, Scotland: Christian Focus, 2024. “Sean’s story is moving and motivating. It is moving to hear him recount how hurt people hurt other people, and it is motivating to hear him recount how God saves sinners. Sean tells his story in a way that makes much of God.”
DeRouchie, Jason S. Delighting in the Old Testament: Through Christ and for Christ. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2024. “Jason DeRouchie is a faithful guide to the Old Testament. He shows that its theological message is that God reigns, saves, and satisfies through covenant for his glory in Christ.”
- Frame, John M. Concise Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Christian Belief. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing, 2024. “This book has the typical strengths of John Frame’s writing—it is clear, unassuming, and logical (and filled with threes). It also has an unusual feature—it is concise! Frame does not care about impressing his peers and proving that he is scholarly (although he could). In this book he aims to build up thoughtful Christians with sound, straightforward theology.”
Plummer, Robert L., and E. Roderick Elledge. 1–3 John. Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament. Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 2024. “The first New Testament book that many beginning Greek students translate is 1 John. The reason is that its Greek grammar and syntax is relatively simple and straightforward. But it still has some challenges. This exegetical guide is ideal for beginning Greek students (and those needing a refresher) to work through line by line, and it is a handy reference for other Greek readers.”
Schreiner, Thomas R. The Justice and Goodness of God: A Biblical Case for the Final Judgment. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2024. “Does it sound uplifting to read an entire book about what the Bible teaches about God’s judgment? It should. In this book Tom Schreiner delivers to us the hard truth about God’s righteous judgment that we deserve for our sinful condition. The bad news is really bad. But that is what makes the good news about God’s merciful kindness in Jesus the Messiah so uplifting. Tom, who used to live through Minnesota winters, ends the book with a fitting analogy that contrasts God’s mercy with God’s judgment: ‘The warmth of the sunshine in the spring stands out in Minnesota in contrast to Florida since Minnesotans experience savagely cold winters. The warmth of the sun is glorious, delightful, and beautiful after experiencing a cold that penetrates to the bones.’ The more accurately you understand God’s righteous judgment, the more brightly God’s saving work shines.”
Strachan, Owen. The Warrior Savior: A Theology of the Work of Christ. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing, 2024. “There are many pictures for Christ’s saving us because there are many pictures for our deep sin problem. These pictures portray the reality that Christ saves sinners, and this book exults in the picture that is most central: Jesus paid our penalty (penal) in our place (substitution).”