Tom Schreiner, professor of NT interpretation and associate dean at Southern Seminary and preaching pastor for Clifton Baptist Church, just finished preaching through the book of Revelation.
- In “The Millennium,” his sermon on Revelation 20:1–15 (preached on June 14, 2009), Schreiner begins by explaining that he recently changed his millennial position from amillennial to premillennial, largely as a result of studying that text (HT: Ben Wright).
- Jason Button transcribes some of Schreiner’s wise introductory remarks here.
- See A. J. Gibson’s “It’s a Sin to Sever Cooperation with Other Believers over Eschatological Issues,” which comments on the sermon on Revelation 20 that Mark Dever preached yesterday (July 12).
- See Ben Wright’s “‘I’m saying you are in sin if you lead your congregation to have a statement of faith that requires a particular Millennial view.’” (Ben is a member of Capitol Hill Baptist Church.)
- Justin Taylor weighs in.
- Kevin Bolin interviewed me on this issue on July 14: “Are Millennial Views Essential?“
- See Ben Wright’s “Amillennialists and Premillennialists: What Do We Agree On?“
- See “Mark Dever on the Function of Statements of Faith.”
Just so you know – Schreiner would still categorize himself as 51% amil. Whatever that means!
I really, really, really hope Schreiner is post-trib!
I think Michael Barrett’s comments on theological certainty are wise: “Put a gun to my head and tell me to deny the vicarious atonement and I’ll tell you to the pull the trigger. Put a gun to my head and tell me to deny my eschatology and I’ll tell you to put down the gun and we’ll talk about it.”
The acknowledgment that every theological position isn’t equally clear or important is essential.
To Mike Bird,
Schreiner definitely still holds to post-trib!