Fascinating statement:
Ehrman proves the dictum that old fundamentalists never die; they just exchange fundamentals and continue in their unimaginative, closed-minded rigidity and simplicity.
-William H. Willimon, review of Bart D. Ehrman, God’s Problem: How the Bible Fails to Answer Our Most Important Question—Why We Suffer, The Christian Century, December 30, 2008.
Whoa, dude. You could roast marshmallows over that review. I’m linking and h-t-ing.
As for the “dis” on fundamentalism, consider the source – William H. Willimon is United Methodist bishop of the North Alabama Conference.
Doesn’t that make it all the sweeter, in a way?
I mean: a non-Fundamentalist telling a rabid anti-Fundamentalist “Dude — you’re still a fundamentalist.”