Coming in November:
Timothy Keller with Kathy Keller. The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God. New York: Dutton, 2011.
- Introduction
- The Secret of Marriage
- The Power for Marriage
- The Essence of Marriage
- The Mission of Marriage
- Loving the Stranger
- Embracing the Other
- Singleness and Marriage
- Sex and Marriage
- Epilogue: The Mystery of Marriage
- Appendix: Decision Making and Gender Roles
If this book is as helpful as “Cultivating a Healthy Marriage,” a seminar that Tim and Kathy Keller gave in 2005, then it will be outstanding:
Their talk “Cultivating a Healthy Marriage” describes marriage with the metaphor of a garden:
- Planning and Planting (gospel reenactment, headship-submission)
- Fertilizing and Watering (communication, love languages)
- Weeding and Pruning (conflict resolution)
- Harvesting and Enjoying
I’m pretty excited about this book! Thanks for the heads up!