Six resources by D. A. Carson on assurance of salvation (all available from TGC as PDFs or MP3s):
- D. A. Carson and John D. Woodbridge, Letters Along the Way: A Novel of the Christian Life (Wheaton: Crossway, 1993), 15–25 (letters 2 and 3).
- D. A. Carson, “Johannine Perspectives on the Doctrine of Assurance,” Explorations 10 (1996): 59–97.
- ———. “Reflections on Christian Assurance,” in Still Sovereign: Contemporary Perspectives on Election, Foreknowledge, and Grace (ed. Thomas R. Schreiner and Bruce A. Ware; Grand Rapids: Baker, 2000), 247–76.
- ———. “The Johannine Letters,” in New Dictionary of Biblical Theology (ed. T. Desmond Alexander and Brian S. Rosner; Downers Grove: IVP, 2000), 351–55.
- ———. “The SBJT Forum: Granted that there are spurious conversions in the Bible, what criteria help us to discern that a profession of faith is genuine?” The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 5, no. 1 (2001): 78–81.
- ———. Five-part sermon series on 1 John.
Thanks for posting these, some excellent resources!
I haven’t read all of these, but “Reflections on Assurance” is a favorite of mine on the subject. Thanks for sharing the list.
I told myself in seminary that I wouldn’t preach from John’s epistles until D.A. Carson published his NIGTC commentary. As it turns out, I am in the middle of 1 John right now and I wanted to thank you for making these articles available. Also looking forward to the NIGTC volume!
Hi Andy,
The “Letters Along the Way” link doesn’t work anymore. Is there a way to repair it? Or was it intentionally put up for a limited amount of time? I’ve read the first 4 chapters and they are really helpful, especially the treatment of 1 Corinthians 3. I’m also currently reading Carson’s, “The Cross and Christian Ministry” where he addresses 1 Cor. 3 as well, it’s been really helpful to read them back to back. Anyways, I’m thankful for faithful men who faithfully instruct in sound doctrine. Thank you for this helpful post!
The link works for me. Not sure what the problem is.
Must have been something with my computer, sorry about that! I got it working…thanks again!